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PS297 classmates can view my Term-Paper here

Parking Fee Program

While Mt. Hood Community College has maintained free parking for students, a majority of colleges across the nation have instituted parking fee requirements for the purpose of expanding revenue.  Such practices have added much needed revenue in most cases, and have proved to be relatively inexpensive in implementation.   

As state budget problems continue to affect funding to state colleges, the need to analyze alternative funding sources grows more important.  Maintaining top-of-the line resources for students, ensuring the best possible environment for learning, and continued expansion of program offerings are paramount to the success of Mt. Hood Community college, as well as to the success of the community. This project intends to examine the cost-benefit issues of implementing Parking-Fee requirements, or a Parking Fee Program (PFP) at MHCC, while also considering the needs and means of the attending students, the impact this may have on the community surrounding MHCC, as well as other issues.  Through analytical research a set of recommendations will be developed that will reflect the pros and cons of such a venture in order to address the increasing need for internal funding sources.


What's  New

bullet05/13/04 - Student Survey and Letter to Instructor have been written, printing to be provided by Kinko's (cost for 270 single-sided copies -- $22.30) (
bullet05/14/04 - Student surveys were collected and compiled (Student Survey)

Key Milestones

bulletMost major research has been conducted, and many direct relationships have been drawn (see Archive for supporting documents) that show a need for a Parking Fee Program at MHCC.
bulletResearch suggests no need for parking at this time, but that doesn't mean we still can't develop one.  See Parking Fee Program Report

What's to Come

bulletStill waiting for some responses from various individuals.  This includes Don Oliver, some members of the Board of Trustees, CCC Parking and Transportation (or Public Safety) official, and some minor feedback from a couple of other sources.

Take a Trip Into Some of My Personal Poetry

Read The Walking Dead, the Introduction to my book.




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