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"The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates
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Tuesday, September, 14, 2004 :: Webmaster
Still trying to get this thing fixed

Name: Gabe
Nationality: Filipino Canadian
Location: Somewhere in Canada
Born: TBA >.<
Mood: Cranky? lol
:: Site Status
Updates: None
Last update: Today (14/11/04)
Working on: Pictures section
Major changes: None
Completion of tasks: less then 5% =P
Contact Webmaster // Mail Gabe =D
:. Links || 14/11/04 - 10:06 PM ||

This page still seems kind of blank, please if you are family and have a webpage please send me the links and i will add you there right away, ^_^ i hope to collect every families webpage onto this section of the site, so that it will be easier to access each others pages and to remain in contact =D

Current List:
Juneo De Ramos's Site


© copyright 2004 [Juneo De Ramos Productionz]