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-> Fun Stuff

"The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates
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Tuesday, September, 14, 2004 :: Webmaster
Still trying to get this thing fixed

Name: Gabe
Nationality: Filipino Canadian
Location: Somewhere in Canada
Born: TBA >.<
Mood: Cranky? lol
:: Site Status
Updates: None
Last update: Today (14/11/04)
Working on: Pictures section
Major changes: None
Completion of tasks: less then 5% =P
Contact Webmaster // Mail Gabe =D
:. Introduction || <- ||

This is a good place to put anything...hmm well i guess fun stuff can start anywhere =S. okay well i thought i would make this section about Filipino Culture, i hope to make it about currently in Filpino style or whatever is good over there in phillppines. What could be more fun then that ?_? lol well yeah i hope you enjoy this section as i have enjoyed making it.


:. What's Cool, Whats in? || Updated: Saturday, September, 18, 2004 ||

Okay, well i haven't heard much lately to come fresh and new from the phillppines, but last i heard, Mr. Christian Bautista was all the rage back in phillppines.

This is Christian Bautista.

Well he's apparently the winner of star in a million, and has a hit CD out right now which i think is self titled (if anyone would know if that's true please message me). He is a great singer and he really does remind me of one of my friends, i will later put up links so you can listen to one of his songs, my favorite right now is his song "Colour Everywhere" its a very nice and mellow song really good.


:. Filipino Food || ^_^ ||

Yeah now this is the best part, lol well i think so atleast, well in this update i think i will meantion the current food favorite, LICHON, oh man now this is filipino gourmet, this is absoulutly one of the best tasting foods that Filipinos eat =D. how else do i put this...umm "yummmmmm" heh well yeah thats about it in a nut shell, pretty good pouloutan too...

"Lichon, a nice plump one too..."

(this article is to be continued....)


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