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A definite life chronicle beyond the mundane. Welcome to the mind of a grounded gypsy as I have a new adventure in re-defined life paradigm of cancer battles and such.


A Gypsy Once More

It's the most idiotic understatement to say that London was bloody marvelous!!! I missed some of you - didn't think about most of you (hehehe)!! I always feel that Europe is my second (and perhaps future) home anyway. We arrived and hit the ground running - it was a bright and gorgeous day - atypical for London in April. We checked in to our hostel and set off for Hyde Park. On Sundays, it's a free for all, frisbee, football, runners, people all about on blankets, talking, favourite were the archers that were practicing. Walked ALL about, met some intriguing people from all over. Went to shows, haunted the theatre district... and I struggle to capture this well in words - my apologies - you need to go for yourself!! (grin). Bottom line - I'm not finished with my wanderings by a long shot.


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