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A definite life chronicle beyond the mundane. Welcome to the mind of a grounded gypsy as I have a new adventure in re-defined life paradigm of cancer battles and such.


On with the show

And it's a marvelously busy life I lead sometimes, and yes, I'm home more than I was a year ago and much much less than I was six months ago - when I AM home, blogging is the last thing that come to mind. And as I'm in the middle of bills and chores, this will be horribly uneventful and blah. So sorry. Had a radiologist follow-up appt on Friday - that went well. I'm getting more and more energy and am back to more or less normal - and there' s much rejoicing and thankfulness for that!

Have a show opening Thursday afternoon - will run Friday and Saturday night - and it's a full circle - pyschologically, if nothing else...since the last two shows I started last spring, I didn't get to finish and there was one that happened last fall that I had nothing to do with whatsover - so this week - brings it all round again!!

And this cast and crew are just tremendous - beyond dutiful and working hard - there's not been any "diva-lazies" or the usual backstage catfights or any over amount of gossip - and they work so very hard and are oh-so-very brilliant!! So, yes, I'm run a little ragged this week - but it's all worth it.

Can't promise I'll be better about blogging anytime before the end of April - but I'll try!


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