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Name: fairuzuddin

Location: Terengganu, Malaysia



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Data written: March 30 2005 (09:36 PM) 

Category: General


Pegi jalan² kat Kuantan. Ammar punyer rancangan... aku ikut jer.. Mula² rancang nak tolak pukul 8.00 pagi. Tapi yang berlaku peristiwa bertolak tersebut adalah pada 8.30 pagi. Kita merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan. Hehehe~.. Kitorang pegi ngan keta sewa, 2 bijik kancil dgn bayaran RM45 untuk sebijik keta. Sampai kat Kuantan, makan tengah hari kat umah member girl aku - Adelin. Best gak... makan x payah bayar. Lepas makan, terus pegi Hugo. Takder apa² kat situ, I mean.. tak berapa ramai mana manusia kat sana. Tak happening langsung. Aku lebih suka kalau kat Suria KLCC! Sebenarnya budget nak beli kaset Love Me Butch, tapi takder. Siyot tul la music store kat Kuantan ni. Tapi walau camner pun, belik jugak sekeping, album lama Deftones - Adrenaline. Ramai orang cakap album tu best. Aku dengar pon boleh tahan gaks! Pastuh pegi kedai baju² HipHop. :p. Sajer masuk... bukan nak dressing hiphop pun pasal aku tak suka orang dressing hiphop. Tapi aku berkenan gaks kat selai baju kat sana. Dier punyer design boleh tahan! Tanpa buang masa, terus beli! RM15.90. Pastuh, teringat member aku pesan kat aku untuk beli dier punyer barang. Aku pun beli. Pastu... three.. four... five... six.. SAMPAI KAT UMAH, TERUS TIDO!


*sori aku x nak letak gambar aku.. takut pompuan takleh tido.. hahahaha!




Data written: March 23 2005 (05:10 PM) 

Category: General


Hi dude! Hope you like my new design! It's called Mind Dependency! Not Alter Bridge, even though I ciplak their album cover design and did some touch-up to make it more breathtaking and catchy as a half-page banner... hehehe...  Actually, I was initially planned to design my blog to look 'rebellious' or something that we called gothic, dark, cruel, or other similar stuffs like that. But, the such type of design might trigger unacceptable and illogical speculation of visitors that might isolate my blog. They might call me as Satan worshipper which is totally sensitive for me as Muslim. I'm not nescient as they thought because I just wanna try something different to expose my idea to the outside world. Ntah betul ke tidak English aku tuh? Hahhaha! Tak paham sudah. Saje... nak tunjuk artwork aku kat korang. Yang kat depan tadi tuh... tangan aku ler tuh.


tangandinswok.jpg (38876 bytes)

Name: Gasping Hand

Medium: Photoshop & Image Ready

Description: The idea to stir up real photo (eg: body parts) came when I tried to bring out the message of humanity, barbarian civilization of World Police, and suffers. A quote from Abraham Lincoln engraved beside the gasping hand sounded - "The best way to keep living harmony is preparation for WAR!". 



What I'm doing right now?

1. Still working to flag my page using META name... tapi x jadi! Waaa.... Benda yang senang pon tak jadi. Malu betul!

2. I felt like this site needed to be touched-up a lil bit and added with few friendly functions of course like archives, JAVA scripts that can make visitors - "Wow! What on earth??!!! How he did this, so amazing", etc... hehehe~...

3. Now I'm trying to amuse you with my new artworks. Still hard to use photoshop, arghhh... need to learn more to master that shit.

4. Finding the perfect soulmate? Eewww...

5. Attempting to get driving licenses for both bike and car, at once!

6. Pursuing my dad to subscribe 512kB/s Streamyx package which cost RM48 a month. 24/7 with the internet is such a fun thing!  

7. Finding new host for my blog. Hate Geocities a lot coz of its annoying pop-ups, junks, and stuff like that.


Data written: March 21 2005 (06:01 PM) 

Category: Tech-Talks


Dah lama aku ceburi bidang membina laman web ni. Mungkin dah dekat 6 tahun kut. Nenek aku (Allahyarhamah) kasi aku komputer klasik nie ketika aku form 2. Aku mula belajar buat web nie masa first time kenal Microsoft Publisher. Aku pon apa lagi... trylah bukak aplikasi tuh. Punyelah kejadah aku tak faham benda alah tu. Kira² 3 bulan dengan MP, barulah aku faham sket² camner nak buat web guner template yang sedia ada. Then, ada satu ketika aku sedang boring cam syial kat umah, aku bukak komp. Tiba², ketika aku sedang browse menu² kat toolbar, aku terjumpa Microsoft Front Page 2000. Kat tooltips, kluar satu ayat - Create and manage web sites that look and work exactly the way you want using Microsoft Front Page. Maka, sejak ari tu.. aku dah mula² nak jadi pandai dengan Microsoft Front Page. Nak buat web konon! Hehehe...


Nak dipendekkan citer, aku mengambil masa 3 tahun nak belajar basic web elements (links, layouts n design, graphics, form, and so on...). Aku mula publish web masa aku form 4, kat Geocities, server paling mudah dan paling mesra pengguna di dunia. Punyelah maksyuk coz dapat publish web sebijik.


Belajar punyer belajar.... BELAJAR?. Kat mana aku belajar? Heh, actually aku tak penah kluar seSen pon dalam belajar buat web nie. Aku belajar sindri² jer... Bukak satu aplication, bukak help. Baca lah puas². Pastu try buat experiment, ntah jadi ker tidak. Kalau jadi... okey ah, kalau x jadi, sial ah! . Kiranya... aku nie sama ah dengan member aku sorang tuh - Zpah3d coz dia belajar buat web pon sorang². Tapi, die untung psl ada abang yang mmg expert giler dalam web² ni, Madfozi. Aku nie takder sapa² pon yang boleh support aku. Parents aku pon x tau apa² psal natang nie.


Mak oi... panjang nyer intro aku untuk blog ni. . Sebenarnya, aku nak suruh korang (web experts) ajar aku pasal php script. Aku tak tau apa² psal php ni. Ajar aku okey?!



Data written: March 16 2005 (04:16 PM) 

Category: Music


Hmmm... bored *scowled-face*. Isn't blog an internet mistake ever? I don't think so. Poor for the East-Coast residents as numerous of them did not know about BLOG! Damn! I might heard rare voices accusing me for my stupid and useless activity of blogging in the internet. Diorang ingat aku mencapap kut...  


Today, I bought a brand new album from Dave Matthews alike band - Seven Collar T-Shirt. It's called Drones. Why they called them as Malaysian Dave Matthews??? The fact is absolutely  defiant from mine. They are not just an ordinary Dave Matthews, but better. Everybody, put your hands up and do espouse my opinion. Please don't argue with me..hehehehe~... Talking about their new album, actually the sounds was totally different from the previous, I mean the first that seemed a lil bit humdrum for me as a hard-rock lover. Drones seems like an effort to bring SCTS to the higher stage of the undergound band. Those who are didn't recognize SCTS yet, please log on to their website -


Seven Collar T-Shirt is doing something different from the other fungus-like bands nowadays that always try to bring out noise and growl-n-shrieking vocals. They are not hard-rock even more farther than metal. Global issues is brought peacefully in their creative-n-complex mellow products and a couple of songs that allow rock at certain parts.


Well guys, me as a hard-rock listener is trying to get mellow down a bit. For me, music has no boundaries. Rock, RnB, Hip Hop, Pop, Jazz, Funk, Raggae, Oi!, Punk, Metal, Ska, Ballad etc... all of them are music and they cannot be separated by sound or attitude. Skin (Oi!) are proud with their music and their lifestyle while Hoppers (Hip Hop, Rap) are proud with their hard-to-learn break-dance. Why both of these tribes cannot reconcile each other??? It's up to you.



Data written: March 13 2005 (12:32 AM)

Author: dinswok



Haaa... this is my cat. He got a really jerk name - Kordi. Whut da hell of name!!! Hahahaha!! It was given by my father. Actually aku ada banyak kucing, 5. Tapi yang nielah yang paling menonjol. Selak ekor, haaa jantan. Dalam family aku, die lah yang paling rapat ngan aku, pasal die slalu wat mesra dgn aku. Biler aku tido, muka dier ada kat atas badan aku. Antara peranan penting beliau adalah selaku pengacau terhebat ketika aku mengadap komputer. Dengan selamba rock jer.. dia masuk bilik aku dengan perkataan beliau yang kurang difahami (meow~...), pastu tengok aku, pastu lompat naik atas kerusi, pastu naik atas meja komputer. Die ni x boleh tengok tangan aku gerak masa menaip, musti tangan beliau yang pendek itu ingin menerjah tanganku yang nak naik ringan nie, rasa nak kasi penampar ada ah. Nasib baik kucing, kalau kancil... aku sembelih, kasi kat ikan emas aku kat akuarium tu... sekian... Mekacih..!


5A 6B 1C

Data written: March 10 2005 (05:04 PM)  

Category: Life




Hmmmm... hutang asrama & sekolah semua dah bayar, result dah ambik, borang matrik dah isi... tunggu bulan 6 atau 7 nanti tahulah aku further study kat mana. Opss.. aku further study ker...? Ke duk umah tanam anggur? Well, it's up to my sake. Korang musti nak tau pasal result aku kan?! Well, aku ni budak sederhana jer laaa.. tak macam budak 17A1 tu... Without wasting our time, let's tengok result aku:












Bahasa Arab Tinggi


Matematik Tambahan








Pendidikan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah 


Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah


English For Science and Technology



Korang rasa, kalau result macam ni boleh tak ambik medic? Aku rasa x leh aaa... Mungkin pharmacy ker... bio-tech ker... Abang2 dan kakak2 sekalian, sila beri petunjuk dan jalan yang lurus.



Data written on: March 09 2005 (08:03 PM)

Category: Articles


Assalamualaikum... peace upon you. Well guys, there's nothing to blog right now. Just wanna show you an interesting article: Tahun Gempar 2005. It's in malay. [Click here for more]



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