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A Veteran's Spirit

Home All Veterans Veterans Links Guestbook

WWI - Korean Vietnam Just Cause Desert Storm Kimmy's History Sarge's History


I am a disabled veteran from the Panamanian Invasion, my husband is a veteran of the Gulf War and Bosnia.  These pages were set aside at the inspiration of all MsParrish.  MsParrish is a friend and supporter of all veterans out there.  People like MsParrish become our connection to the world outside the battles of war and the military.  This lady takes the time to listen and understand the different world we have endured to make our country free and safe. 

We salute you MsParrish

Before perusing please link to the page for  all veterans .   If I have not included your personal battle it is only because I have not researched it enough.  If your battle is not listed here please email me and I will research it for you.  


Home All Veterans Veterans Links Guestbook

WWI - Korean Vietnam Just Cause Desert Storm Kimmy's History Sarge's History

God Bless America
=*\ LadyDV/*=

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