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Buy things on line
feeling sorry for mysself
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Tracy's Rants
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
maybe I need help with writing skills
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: me
Topic: feeling sorry for mysself
Have you ever been so upset that you just give up?
Well, thats how I feel at this time. I always feel not good enought and nothing I do will ever amount to anything.
I always wanted to be a writer. The problem is my spelling, writing skills, and over telling a story.
Yes I am one for details. Maybe a bit to much at times.
I feel like a big loser most of the time.
Hell when I talk in groups I cant say the right words or even make a word without stepping over my fat lips.

I would love to beable to write what I want and get a book out there. But of course that will never happen.
I know this because of all the rejection letters I get and all the contest I enter that lets me know I should give it up.
I have a lot of ideals for story that I think people want to read about but when I get it wrote the pot line is like every other story out there.
everyone beats me to the point.
I give up!!!!!

Posted by blog/tdetro at 3:32 PM CDT
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Friday, 11 August 2006
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: I just finished more MJD books
The Undead books are really kicking butt now. I just finished Book 5. Wow to think I have to wait a whole Year until the next book...Note to self, must get a more books to keep busy.

Posted by blog/tdetro at 12:01 AM CDT
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Monday, 28 November 2005
Buying on line
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Tracys mistake on line.
Topic: Buy things on line
Have you ever bought something on line only to find out it wasn't what you wanted? Well this happened to me.
My boyfriend and I went to Sturgis, South Dakota during bike week in 2002. When we got there we was pulling a old style classic trailer and got low miles to the gallon. We decided that we would look around and see what we could on finding a trailer for our bikes and all our camping gear. Something more for less....Well we got what we paid for!!! alot less!!!
We found a company that makes these great bike trailers and drooled over it for many days.
When we got back home, I decided I would look them up on the net and see what prices they had and see if we could afford it.
Well I couldn't remember the name of the company. So the search began.
After days on the net, I found it (I thought) and pulled up the web page. It looked just like the one we were looking at on bike week. (I thought) But looks can be deceiving.
The company we found was named Magneta trailers.
The Mag trailer we looked at on the page we thought would bethe trailer of our dreams.
Boy was we wrong.....
First we had to pay up front for the trailer and to keep from paying alot in shipping fees we decided to drive and get our dream trailer. Mind you we live in Indiana and the trailer company was in Hull, Iowa over 22 hrs away from home.
We set up a date with a Sales guy that was real nice on the phone. Told him we would like to pick up the trailer after Thanks Giving of 2005.
He gave up directions to their Factory and we made plans to make the trip.
Now I refer to this "trip to hell" because the moment we left it became hell.
Did the holiday thing with our family on Thursday then got into the car Friday morning and drove straight threw until Sat when we arrived to the factory at the time the Sale man asked us to be there. Sat morning 8am Iowa time which is 2hrs earlier then us. 6am our time.
Tried and wanting our trailer we waited.
My boyfriend went in the main office to find a gal at the front desk and asked her to see if our trailer was done.
She told us she had no clue and would check.(first clue we was in shit creek without a paddle)
We both followed her to a little building across the alley way.
Walked in to find they had just started putting our trailer together. a older man and a younger man (man in his late 60's and a younger man I would say young 20's) Had just finished the wiring and was trying to put the door on straight.
Madder then spit fire dragon my boyfriend went back over to the main office and demanded to see the owners of the company. Very mad and very tried we watch a man trying to slip out the door and get into his car. As a joke I smarted off, "that was the owner and he was trying to give you the slip." Even more mad as then before My boyfriend went back into the office. After waiting three hours going back and forth from the office and to the car getting no where.
He (my boyfriend) told the gal at the desk if she didn't get the owner here in a hurry we was going to call our lawyer. Then walked back to the car. We set there for a while not sure how long when we saw the owner pull up. What a surprise to see it was the same man we saw earlier leave. headed for our car.
He got out and introduce himself as Gary. Now I'm no angel but at lease when I am talking to people I just met, I know how to watch my language, every third word out of the mans mouth was "F*ch" this and "God d*mm" that.
He walked over to the building that the two men was and started yelling and cursing at them.
All me heard from that moment one was bam bam bam bam. Myboyfreind only wanted the door to fit right. It was off center and bent at the top.
It was clear to me that the door was sprung and warped. (But what did I know I was a girl). The men finished at dust we pulled the trailer out of the building to find that the wire plug they made was to short! It was only 4 inches from the end of the trailer ( the egg part) not the hitch part. Oh man if my boyfriend could spit fire at that time I think the whole building would have gone up in flames. He told the man (older one not the kid) that it was to short and we had to get this damm thing on the road or we wouldn't get back to home to work the next day. The old man replied with "thats what happeneds when you rush me."
To say the lease neither him or myself please with the crappy job they did with the door, or the wire job. We hooked the trailer up and dragged it out of there crappy building and drove around the back.(What could we have done they had our money) As we pulled out I heard the older man say "here is some Iowa blood for all the hard work." or something along that line I really couldn't understand him that well.
He smeared blood from his hand over the left side of the trailer (yuck!!!!)
anyway Keith drove the trailer around the back and pulled out his tool box and made a piggy tail wire harness for the lights. He open the wires they had to find, they used green wire for every line. (What a mess!) he had to use his wire meter to figure out what wire went to what. He rewired the tail to give us lights and we drove home 8hrs later.(Stopping off at a car wash to wash the blood off....Yuckie gross!) We got home to fine out, that we had to different size tires on the trailer and called the sale guy.
Keith told the guy there was no way in hell he was dealing with the owner Called Gary. and that he was mad that we drove all the way to find out our trailer wasn't even close to being done as we were told it was and that the wires were wrong and not close to code. and that the door was still not right.
The Sales guy did send us new tires that matched and we was to send the old ones back (at our cost)So this is our story on how we thought we had the trailer of our dreams.
By the way Keith did fix all the wire and put in lights and fixed the door on the trailer with help from Iron Horse Trailers.
We told our story to Iron Horse Trailers (we went back to SD 2006 bike week and found the right trailer company) Julie Heard a GREAT WOMAN! sent us the parts we needed to fix the trailer. I told her I had on my rant sight all about the trailer from hell and she laughed. Not in a mean way folks! only that the man that sold us our trailer was the one who stoled there design on the trailer and tried to pass it off as theirs. It fooled us, I only hope it doesn't fool anyone else and they have to go thru the trailer from hell.
Many Thanks to Julie Heard and her crew! If it wasn't for her and them we wouldn't be able to fix the trailer we have.
Iron Horse is the next trailer we will buy!!!
We found out the hard way you get what you pay for.
by the way "Got a Trailer for sale...."

PS. Had to rewrite this story because my web sight went down and I lost everything.

Posted by blog/tdetro at 12:01 AM CST
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