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Tuesday February 03, 2004 08:00:22 PM
Hi! Sorry I haven't been on lately, I have been working on the games pages on this website.
Sorry, but you still can't see them because I don't have all of the navigation all system working.
I also don't have all of the pages, so if you can send me some tips, other wise I will copy off of
pink poogle toy, soup faerie, and tine neo. You can see my older websites for guilds at
www.angelfire.com/gundam/dbzanimeguild , and then my home site, which still has christmas music on it! Don't worry, I'm going to change it. www.thenoyesfamily.com/thenoyesfamily/eddie .
Also, Look at our new banner! I will be animating it soon!

I will put it on the html goodies page ASAP.  * this is a low quality picture of the banner, the one on the html pages will also be low quality to view, but the html has the high quality picture.

If you want  to see us get a domain, please signup with an affiliate of ours, we get money for every person who does join!  click here and get free web management tools!

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