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Saturday, 18 October 2003

Unwise activities

Now Playing: Get Shorty

Still trying to work out if I have a serious hangover, or a mild throat infection.
Tried to undo the damage inflicted by eating only good good things, today - fruit, bran flakes, fresh juices, herbal teas, etc. My body is a temple stuff.
Sod that. My body is a trashcan driven by an animal lust for bacon. And coffee. And chocolate.

For your edification, the following list warns of what you should never ever attempt to do after a huge drunken sushi binge:

1. Mix your drinks horribly.
2. Dance like a loon. Imagine the sushi. Imagine the drinks. Now put them in an imaginary washing machine. You see?
3. Breakfast on bacon products. All of them.
4. Overindulge by snarfing an entire mountain of raw fish the next day.

The list does continue, but its quease-factor means I shan't.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 10:01 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 18 October 2003 10:07 PM BST
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Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 2:59 AM BST

Name: Vic Bingo
Home Page:

I hate being hungover, I feel soooo sh|t it's not even mildly amusing. I'd rather be coming down from an e-frenzy night, at least that can have the edge taken off it by drinking cups of tea. Mmmmmm, tea.

I have been preparing that which we've all been waiting for. My blog entry on pikeys. Even though they have been touched on before this is going to be the first part of a definitive study bringing their true horrors into the public domain.
It will be released on my blog tomorrow, and needless to say is bound to elicit a veritable slurry of comments.

There, has that news cheered you up a bit?
Of course it has :)

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 11:33 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Of course it has. :D

And you worked out how to spell sh|t on the @#%$! @#%$! censored comments!

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 12:05 PM BST

Name: Alex Buell

I gave up the booze.

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 12:07 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Well done. Was it difficult?

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 2:36 PM BST

Name: Adrian Sevitz
Home Page:

I have found the same problem with following Yo Shushi with the entire cocktail menu at Yo Below.

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 3:06 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Do you get the conveyor belt rage, though? When you get a @#%$! seat on the belt, and every time a really tasty bit of sashimi gets placed on the belt, the @#%$! opposite narrow their eyes and relieve you of it two seconds before you can politely lunge?

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 3:29 PM BST

Name: Adrian Sevitz
Home Page:

No, I just ring the bell and ask them for about 4 plates of different sashimi. Screw the belt I say.

Oh and by the way, do you know near to fecking impossible it is to find kosher pickled cucumbers in South London?

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 4:06 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Yasss! A blogger who reads all their old comments... :D

And, by the way, you lie*. Even Sainsbury sell Mrs Elswood.

I know, because reading your sandwich blog meant I had to make myself a tuna melt and a toasted egg and cheesie.

* The Blaine will rise and punish you all.

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 5:28 PM BST

Name: deb
Home Page:

I'd like to add to that list, go to a coffee shop as awful as Starbucks in the AM, after rolling in at 4, in an attempt to get work done. What was I thinking ...

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 5:37 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Ack, you're right. I go to Starbucks on the way home sometimes, but only because I get away from my |genericjob| by 3pm, and I work in South East London, where they're still coming to term swith the concept of cappucino. (That's packet cappucino, Nescafe cappucino to you). The head rush of real caffeine after a day of drinking MaxPAx is almost...almost ... worth the bitter acrid aftertaste. And the coffee's not great, either.

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 7:47 PM BST

Name: jatb
Home Page:

I blame the bacon. Copious amounts of alcohol, sushi and washing machine mimicry never did my intestines any harm.

Sunday, 19 October 2003 - 9:30 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

You have the intestines of a concrete elephant, though (I didn't mean that in a bad way, it's my favourite Blackadder line).
I could never have stomached all that *and* coped with exercise of any persuasion the next day.

Monday, 20 October 2003 - 9:13 AM BST

Name: Adrian Sevitz
Home Page:

Ok, I've been looking for 5 years now for the Israeli Kosher pickles, which are the buisness. I'll look at / for other brands now.

Monday, 20 October 2003 - 11:39 AM BST

Name: NC

Now I've seen this blog, I need never buy another recipe book again. Hmm, you have saved my shelves and bank balance:)

Monday, 20 October 2003 - 7:22 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Never do. I said Never do! :)

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