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Monday, 13 October 2003


Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Krafty Kuts

Tonight I went to visit K in Gypsy Hill, who's generally quite an inspiring person. She's recently taken a drop in salary so she can have Mondays off to study to become a yogi. She's spending her New Year at a women's retreat in the far countryside. That sort of proper, sorted out inside inspiring.
She made me a huuuuuuge vegetarian lasagne, and also some herby spiced thing containing cracked wheat, followed by a tomato salad... all that stuff.
Made it. Properly. In front of me.
At one point, I questioned the state of the pasta sheets - she instantly chucked them out and used fresher ones.
Nothing came out of a packet. Nothing from a jar. Vegetarian, healthy, filling, tasty.

I drove home, slumped in front of the teev, and ate four loads of old, rancid steak chops, fried in butter, garlic, mushrooms, onions and cranberry sauce.

Now what the hell was that about?

Sleepwatch: 3 hours.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 11:42 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 October 2003 9:44 PM BST
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Monday, 13 October 2003 - 11:50 PM BST

Name: jatb

Your unfulfilled craving for cheese and chicken wings ice-cream? Maybe.

Monday, 13 October 2003 - 11:56 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

I think I need more sleep (sleepwatch 4 hours!), and am making do with just more food.

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 12:21 AM BST

Name: yidaho
Home Page:

Ugh! I've only managed a toasted bagel since Saturday night (if you don't include the three pieces of sweet popcorn that I ate purely out of politeness). I even got myself sent home from work today for looking so damned ill.

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 12:50 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Politeness? You tea-leafed THREE pieces of my popcorn for politeness?

I can handle it all, you know!

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 12:51 AM BST

Name: Vic your lord and master
Home Page:

Now that is funny, you've cheered me right up after I'd been hammered on Iwo Jima; those Allied forces were pushing up Mt. Suribyachi like nobody's business.

It's human-instinct kicking in is what it's all about. R-Complex sparks up and goes 'Uurrrrgh, need meat.' so you have to obey. I mean come on, you aren't a yogi yourself now are you? Not even a BooBoo ;)

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 1:16 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

@#%$! @#%$! comments page. I replied to this! It was a long one, about Buddhists.


Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 1:24 AM BST

Name: paul
Home Page:

She probably made Taboulleh, so wonderful, with cracked wheat, lemon juice, olive oil, god I'm hungry, tomatoes, salad, and spices. But honestly, who watns to go to that much trouble for dinner? I'm debating whether or not to make frigging macaroni and cheese from a box with bratwurst. But I might make cheese and bacon sandwiches or nachos. I'm so lazy.

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 9:12 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Bacon is the ultimate lazy chef's food, isn't it. It's practically cooked and in a big greasy sarnie all ready for you.

This blog is becoming waaaaaaaaay too foodie.

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 11:22 AM BST

Name: tess

I know you said your steak thing was minging, but it sounded delish to me. I am having pizza withdrawal symptoms - why are frozen pizzas always shite?

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 11:27 AM BST

Name: NC

Gypsy Hill! What a nice name (comment from obviously foreign person who knows nothing about London). Is it a residence requirement to be Bohemian, wear big skirts and big earings? What super foodie critic really wants to know is did she make the pasta sheets herself? and was it a roasted vegie lasagna? those take hours to roast the vegies, and are very nice, except for asian Buddhist friends who don't like lasagna and would rather sup on rehydrated packets of brown rice! Hopefully there will be no such folk at yogi camp!

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 1:19 PM BST

Name: Martin Sewell
Home Page:

I could have put up with the pasta sheets, but ravioli pillows ruin your hair.

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 1:27 PM BST

Name: NC

They don't make your hair nice and curly?

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 4:00 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

I'm afraid Gypsy Hill is terribly brown rice and 2CV, so you're not so far wrong with the hoop earrings and dirndl skirts. (and not that foreign, surely, as you live in London!!!?)
She didn't make the pasta sheets herself, no, and the first ones were rejected after I spotted creepy crawlies. But it was full of slow roasted veggies, you're right.
It should have been sufficient...

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 4:01 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Are you on a diet? Atkins? Why can't you eat pizza? I'm sure one pizza a week won't hurt, and if you make it yourself from a ready made base, it doesn't have anything really that bad for you in it....
The steaks were delish - I rather like meat on the turn. Ooops, I said that out loud, didn't I?

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 9:45 PM BST

Name: tess

Atkins? Bah, no! Pizza hut don't deliver as far as my house, which means if I want pizza I have to have a s_h_i_t frozen one. Or get the kids out of bed and drive down the road to get one. Neither of which is a viable option :-(

And yes, you did say you like a bit of something on the turn!

Tuesday, 14 October 2003 - 10:05 PM BST

Name: dave

"Taking one day a week off work to become a yogi"?

Snort, chortle, lol n roffle.

I do so hope the irony is not lost on her - it would be a shame to waste it. :-)

(smiley added in case slagging off your mate is a bit rude!)

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