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leah's blog

leah's thoughts/version:deep

wednesday, august 6, 2003: third entry!
Hey Everyone!!! Leah here! School's about to start, *tear*. There are good things that come out of this and bad things.

The good things are:

1/ I get to see my friends
2/ I meet new friends

Bad things:
2/ Report cards
3/ Rude teachers

If you all notice, the bad always weighs more than the good. But hey, 2 more years before graduation! YEAH! Anways....Before i goes...I want to thank Mo for helping me out w/ this site! thank yas girlie!! Love yas! anyways.....Bye yas~!


thursday, july 31, 2003: second entry!
Hey Everyone. Haven't wrote in a while so here goes. Tonight I went to the band party. Had a blast! I took two of my friends w/ me. We left a little early and went down Thrill Hill! It was great. I've never drove on it myself. Normally, my friends do that for me. Anyways...We had the windows down listening to 3-6-9. It was great. I'm about to go crazy cuz i haven't talked to AL in a while. It's been a week! AGH!~ Neways.......I'm gonna go to sleepy now ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!
bye yalls! Leah

sunday, july 27, 2003: first entry!
Leah Here...Right now, its late at night but I wanted to go ahead and write my first entry. I'm really not sure what to write. Except, my mom wants me to clean the kitchen and AL hasn't got on yet. *frowns* I'm dreading School coming up and Band Camp tomorrow.
Gotta be Short


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