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Outsiders Project ~ Amy Chen, Period 1, Corlew


Character Descriptions


--> Ponyboy Curtis: 14 years old, light brown almost red hair boxed in the back and long in the fron and sides, greenish-gray eyes, small for his age, orphan | skipped a grade in school, doing very well in class, likes to read, draw, watch movies.

--> Sodapop Curtis: Ponyboy's brother, 16 years old, under 6'2", dark-gold hair combed back, dark brown eyes | Drunk on life, extremely handsome, understands everyone, works full time at a gas station, high school dropout.

--> Darrel (Darry) Curtis: Ponyboy's brother, 20 years old, 6'2", broad and muscular, dark brow hair that kicks out in front and a slight cowlick in the back, pale blue-green eyes | works 2 jobs, legal guardian of Ponyboy and Sodapop, doesn't get along well with Ponyboy, works instead of going to college.

--> Steve Randle: 17 years old, tall and lean, thick greasy hair combed in complicated swirls, specialty is cars | works part-time at gas station, Sodapop's best friend.

--> Keith (Two-Bit) Matthews: 18 years old, 6', stocky build, rust colored hair, gray eyes | wisecrack, famous shoplifter, favors a black handled switchblade, goes to school for kicks

--> Dallas Winston: 17 years old, born in New York, elfish face with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, almost white blonde hair that falls over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts and curls behind his ears and along the nape of his neck, blue eyes | went around trying to break the law, police record a mile long, only person he ever cared for is Johnny.

--> Johnny Cade: 16 years old, smallest next to Ponyboy, big black eyes, tanned face, jet-black hair heavily greased and combed to the side, scar running from his temple to his cheekbone | gang's pet, beated by Soc's once and was badly hurt

--> Robert (Bob) Sheldon: High class soc who drove a blue mustang, beat up Johnny and was later killed when johnny knifed him, Cherry's former boyfriend.

--> Randy Adderson: Marcia's boyfriend, Bob's best friend, befriended Ponyboy.

--> Sherri (Cherri) Valance: Soc cheerleader with bright red hair, met Ponyboy at the movies one night, spied for the greasers after Bob's death, friend of Ponyboy.

--> Marcia ???: Cherri's best friend, friend of Ponyboy.











