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Sections: Introduction | Upgrading | HELP!! | Getting Further Help

Synopsis: Upgrading from v1.0.x to v1.1
To upgrade your existing board from Invision Board v1.0.x to Invision Board v1.1, you'll need to update all the program files and run an upgrade script that is included in this distribution. You may want to create a database back up and download via FTP any existing language packs and skin files as these may be over-written during the upgrade.

Important: Skins and Upload Permissions
The skinning system in Invision Board v1.1 is radically different from v1. This change brings many enhancements such as full online template editing and a more powerful macro set function. These changes do mean that any existing skins will not be compatible with v1.1. The upgrade script will change all existing skins to "hidden" and install a new default set for you.
Your members will also be updated, moving them from any existing skin choices to the new default skin set. It's also worth noting that the upload permissions system has changed. The installer will remove all existing forum upload permissions to ensure that no error occurs after the upgrade.

Saving Old Data
If you wish to save the information in the old default skin, please do the following:
Via FTP download the directories "Skin/s1/" and "style_images/1/". The upgrade will need the v1.1 files to reside in those directories and any previous data will be lost.

Uploading the Files
From the unzipped package, upload the following files to the same directory that your existing board is in:

Upload the directories (and any contents / sub directories):
lang/en/*.php (All PHP files. Create the directory if it's not there and upload into it)
Skin/s1/*.php (All PHP files. Create the directory if it's not there and upload into it)
sources/*.* (All PHP files and sub folders)
style_images/1/ (All files. Create the directory "1" if it's not there and upload into it)

In short: Upload everything as if it were a new install!

Please check the following before you proceed
You MUST ensure that the new skin PHP files are in a directory called "Skin/s1/" - if you have previously removed "s1" from the "Skins" directory, please re-create it via FTP and upload the skin PHP files into it.

You MUST ensure that the new images are in a directory called "style_images/1/" - if you have previously removed "1" from the "style_images" directory, please re-create it via FTP and upload the images into it.

You MUST make sure the file 'install_templates.txt' is uploaded into the same directory as 'index.php'

You MUST make sure the script 'upgrade4.php' is uploaded into the same directory as 'index.php'

Running the upgrade script
Open up a new browser window and enter the URL to the upgrade4.php script (example: Follow the onscreen instructions to update your database.

If you get an error during the upgrade, try hitting back in your browser and try again.
This script will upgrade your database, install new templates and perform a clean up.


That's it, you should be done!

HELP!!: Common Problems
The upgrade worked fine, but I get a blank screen now!!
The upgrade takes it's best guess when it creates the new skin set, it's not impossible that it might not match everything up. If you get a blank screen, it's usually because the board wrapper it's chosen is broken / doesn't exist. Try the following:
Log into your Admin CP. Go to "Skins & Templates". Click on "Manage Skin Sets" and edit "IBF Default Set (NEW)" and make sure it's got a valid template set and wrapper.

I can't do anything, I get loads of errors!!
This is always caused by a failure to update the files in "Skin/s1/" on your server. Simply put, they MUST be updated from the ones included in this zip file (upload/Skins/s1). Upload the skins and refresh your browser.

Getting further help
If you have a problem outside the ones solved in this guide, then don't panic!
We have a large team of trained support professionals that will be able to provide a solution to your problems.
Your first stop would be to open a new support ticket. The FREE ticket system is available from the Invision Board web site. When starting a new ticket, please be as thorough as you can in your error reporting, it will save our team time in responding to you. We pride ourselves on quality, professional support and aim to answer your request as promptly as possible.
You can also post a problem on our "Support and Community Forums". We have a large active community who have experience in maintaining their Invision Board who may be able to give you a prompt reply - our support professionals also moderate these forums and will read your posts. We do recommend that you make use of the search facility on the board to avoid posting problems that have already been posted - there is also a good chance that it's already been reported, discussed and solved.

You may wish to consider our "Priority Support" option. A once only fee will cover you for all support requests for a period of one year (12 months).
Priority support entitles you to the following benefits:
  • Your support tickets will be marked priority and only Invision Board administrators will have access to those tickets.
  • You will be given access to a private support forum on our Community Forums.
  • If you are in the United States you will receive telephone support if desired.
  • In most cases we will login to your account and address problems for you.
  • We can install and upgrade the software for you if desired.

For more information on our priority support service, please visit our advanced services page.

If you wish to contact us for non-technical issues, please visit our Contact Page which includes a handy email form, mailing address and telephone number.