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This Is Colter Ray's Life In The Form Of A Web Site

Hey this is as close as you'll ever get to putting me into your computer and having me be able to talk to you right through the screen so have fun. McCULLOUGH ROX!!! I'm finally in classes with people from four years ago (peter, phil, brad) but its stinks im not with some of my closer friends (ken, liz, brady, richard, ben, sarah, and many more) but im still havin a great time and i hope all you are too. So in conclusion this is my website and muffins spelled backwards is sniffum. ALSO... I am gonna soon be putting up an AIM directory with peoples names and AIM names so if you know of anyone i dont no or if youre a total stranger who wants to have his name on my website then email me at

What You Will Find At My Fantabulous Web-Site

So you want to see more than just the first page? Then click on these links

Top 10 Lists
Favorite Web Sites
The Band
Comics, Pictures, and More