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Best Trying To conceive Website and Other Fertility Resources

Best Fertility Websites

Low Cost Pregnancy and Ovulation Tests

The ultimate site, not only to they have great resources, they have excellent prices on pregnancy and ovulation tests.

Natural Solutions Websites

Visit Healing With Nutrition, this is an excellent site where you can also purchase product.

Great Personal Websites

Welcome to Our Depo-Provera Story
This is a fantastic site cronicalling a woman's experience with Depo and the information that is not given to women. A must visit site! 

CL-Charlietb's Fertility & Conception links
This is a neat site, lots of links and resources.

A Tubal Reversal Journey

Gwendolyn and Kevin's IV Page

Male Infertility

Improving Male Fertility Naturally

Male Fertility: Maximizing Your Fertility Potential

How to Enhance Your Fertility
(and help to ensure a healthier baby, too)

The male factor;Fertilitext Male Infertility Overview

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) This is where the sperm

IVF with ICSI - for Men with Azoospermia

Vasectomy Reversal
Columbia University Urology Page

Vasectomy Reversal Movie Clip

Referral Service for Vas

Vasectomy Reversal Questions

Laser Vasectomy Reversal

Vaectomy Reversal Website


This is the most comprehensive miscarriage site I have ever visited: 


Just Great Sites!


Developing Embryo

Nova's Lifes Greatest Miracle (wow)!

Infertility Resources This Web site provides extensive information about IVF, ICSI, infertility clinics, donor egg and surrogacy services (e.g., surrogate mothers), male infertility services, sperm banks, pharmacies, infertility books and videotapes, sperm testing, infertility newsgroups and support organizations, and drugs and medications, such as Metrodin, Pergonal, Clomid.

This website is dedicated to couples going through Infertility treatment. Contains message boards and chat room.

TTC and Pregnancy Glossary

Fertility Resource Sites
This site is a great resource site, also has a wonderful discussion forum.
Great Pre-Conception, Prenatal, and Motherhood Website.

Conceiving Concepts
"Oh No not Again" An online community of people who want to have children, and who are finding it more difficult than they originally expected.
FertilityPlus is a non-profit website for patient information on trying to conceive.

iVillage Fertility

Fertile Thoughts
A part of the iParenting Network. Also links to CycleDaily.
FertilityUK is the national fertility awareness & NFP service for the UK.

InterNational Council
on Infertility
Information Dissemination

INCIID is a nonprofit organization that makes its services available to consumers at no charge.

The Endocrine Society
This site is a bit more technical and geared more towards physician, but has a lot of excellent information.

Provides support and information to individuals who are experiencing infertility issues through advocacy and public education.

Artificial insemination for infertility
Intrauterine insemination - IUI

Intrauterine insemination with partner's sperm can be used as a potentially effective treatment for infertility of all causes in women under about age 45 except for cases with tubal blockage, severe tubal damage, very poor egg quality, ovarian failure (menopause), and severe male factor infertility.

Conception Tips

WebMD Fertility 

PCOS Links

PCOS Support Products

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Assoc.

Advice about treatment, signs and symptoms, alternative health practices, and research into this condition. With info about support groups.

PCOS Frequently Asked Questions - INCIID

Access a master list of questions on a variety of issues related to polycystic ovarian syndrome. Link to answer sheets arranged by topic.

Polycystic Ovarian Support Association provides a wealth of links for women trying to conceive, those with diabetes, teens and support groups.

Resource for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome contains a description, diet information, research studies, support groups, news and links.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Fertilitext

Get the facts about PCOS, the leading cause of infertility. Also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome and hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation.