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mY LiFe aS i sEe iT

dono how 2 describe lahz...


Sunday, September 30, 2001

Counterstrike is fun!pple should play it sumtimes...i played CS with my friends just now after sia!I top frag for cs rats and see opponents die by falling down..not a long time before ramadan comes and i have to fast...after ramadan, ENJOY!!"Now must concentrate on studies"...bleah... still 3 more years before the o level s and u want me to concentrate now?i've got better things to do...things better than staring at a book which i have to remember and yet not know anything....i hate school( only the school, not the people). I guess i had enuff preaching and talking crap so adios amigos...i got to sleep too so bye bye

Posted by mini~clip at 9:36 PM

Monday, September 10, 2001

SHE (that nice little thi,er,girl, from my school) CALLED ME!!!Can u believe it??? heart is melting right now and i seem to continue smiling from ear to ear :))))) HAHAHAHA SHE CALLED ME!!One day she were were avoiding each other and the suddenly she called me!Man this is getting better!I believe we can be together,perhaps she was mine after all...And you know what? we talked for lyk 2 hours and a half just know and she says she had to go and would call be back later :) !!WOO HOO!!For once my happy glands (if there ever were) had some work to do!!We talked about hm...her hobbies...her class...herself...her family...and the same about me too!hmm...wad should i talk about tonight?Let me think ok? for now,i have to go plan stuff,a thing thhat i have not done for years!so bUBbYe!!!

Posted by mini~clip at 8:20 PM

SHE (that nice little thi,er,girl, from my school) CALLED ME!!!Can u believe it??? heart is melting right now and i seem to continue smiling from ear to ear :))))) HAHAHAHA SHE CALLED ME!!One day she were were avoiding each other and the suddenly she called me!Man this is getting better!I believe we can be together,perhaps she was mine after all...And you know what? we talked for lyk 2 hours and a half just know and she says she had to go and would call be back later :) !!WOO HOO!!For once my happy glands (if there ever were) had some work to do!!We talked about hm...her hobbies...her class...herself...her family...and the same about me too!hmm...wad should i talk about tonight?Let me think ok? for now,i have to go plan stuff,a thing thhat i have not done for years!so bUBbYe!!!

Posted by mini~clip at 8:20 PM

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

2 months since i touched my com...Just came back from my Higher Mother Tongue class so i'm kinda tired after travelling an hour....i was nagged at by my teacher after caught not handing up my HMT workbook (like always) and of course i could divert her attention into preaching about something else (like always too!).I'm still trying to learn how to write loO0Oong weBLOGs which seems to be an ability which my friends hafiz and the "technology girl" have.Shit, my father is back from work, i've got ta close this thing being "nonsence" as described by my father..bubbye!! 

Posted by mini~clip at 5:53 PM

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