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Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us.

-- Liber AL II;20 --

Where the only rule, is that there isn't any rules, unless of course there may be rules, but not binding rules that bind not everyone unless they so choose,
and don’t be snarky to fellow crew or towards others who may or may not be attempting to be authentic unless yer crew agrees to the "living history" approach.....See BONNET'S REVENGE.

YE DEAD PYRATES SOCIETY (P.O.O.P.)© is in no way related to the SCA. We'd rather concentrate on having fun than political backstabbing and gossip.......We do NOT "do politics!"


YE DEAD PYRATES SOCIETY (P.O.O.P.)© (Pyratical Order Of Precedence) is a pirate recreation disorganization with a Thelematic Discordian twist.

We attend several Renaissance Faires and Pyratical events a year. Between faires & events the DPS spends time singin, drinkin, wenchin, holding MANY revels, takin over the world, FNORD FNORD!!!)

YE DEAD PYRATES SOCIETY (P.O.O.P.)© is the home disorganization of several "ships."

Each ship is run autonomously by her Captain and crew however all are under the aegis of the DPS proper. Basically that means that "rules" (yeah right!) may be different from ship to ship however; each ship is "loyal" (yeah right) to the DPS disorganization and her "Congress of Captains' Club"……Savvy??? (yeah, me neither)

The flagship of the DPS is: Ye BONNET'S REVENGE commanded by Captain Sean (The Irish Bastard) Conner DPS KSC LGP BYS MCF ROPR IFRP.
Captain Seán will tell you, "The DPS are Specializin' in improv comedy, wenchin', drinkin, plunderin, CAUSING MAYHEMM and generally being obnoxious." BONNET'S REVENGE tries to be as close to period as possible and do the hardcore research into all facets of life in the 18th century.

YE DEAD PYRATES SOCIETY (P.O.O.P.)© provides a home where ALL things PYRATICAL are not only welcome but encouraged! Be ye Historical GAoP Pyrates, Fantasy Pyrates, Hollywood Pyrates, whatever... ALL are welcome! We (the DPS as a whole) make no claim to be truly "period" nor do we take things too seriously. We are individuals who share a common hobby.

Every man and woman is a star with a unique orbit so, we tread carefully to not interfere with the True Will of one another. We ARE however very picky about membership. We do not want individuals who will ruin our fun among us, no way, no how!!! So, YOU PEOPLE are barred.. FNORD!

We are so much more than just a bunch of Rennies, Pyrates,etc. We are gammers (RPGs), mystics, brewers, singers, writers, Sci-Fi geeks.We are a tribe of philosophers, theologians, magicians, scientists, artists, clowns, and similar maniacs who are intrigued with ERIS and with HerDoings.

We do not take ourselves too seriously, nor do we take our hobby too seriously, in fact.....If you begin to take your hobby too seriously, it's no longer a hobby but another chain around your neck!!!!

Are we a bit elitist? Well, YES! Are we one hell of a great crew of weirdos and geeks? HELL YES!

Currently there are many "Pyrate Re-enactors" out there however; none like us!.

The Pyratical Order of Precedence (Letters placed after our names) at present are:

DPS (Dead Pyrates Society)

KSC (Keeper of the Sacred Chao) For members of the TKofD TofI

LGP (Leauge of Gallifreyan Pyrates)

BYS (Brothers of The Yellow Sign)

MCF (Master/Mistress of the Cloven Fruit)

POR (Pyrates of Renspace)

IFRP (International Fellowship of Royal Privateers)


Proud Member of



2B1 ASK 1

Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed

-- Liber AL II;2 --

Ye Dead Pyrates Society P.O.O.P.
is a member of
The Pirate Ring
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Captain Sean (The Irish Bastard) Conner DPS KSC MCF ROPR IFRP

For more information please e-mail The captain,

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