WARNING::This fic is rated 'R'. Please read the notice to the right before reading.
Chapter One: No Escape

The rain had started up again.
The dark obnoxious clouds lingering over Hogwarts were rarely seen this time of year. It was the middle of autumn, and the last few weeks had been dreadfully hot, and overwhelming. However, the weather had been acting quite strange this particular day: as dawn broke, a thick, impenetrable layer of fog had settled around the castle, making it nearly invisible to anyone observing it from outside. The rain subsided some, and only a few droplets were now falling from the grey sky above.

It was early Saturday morning, and one platinum-blonde-haired boy seemed unable to sleep. Draco Malfoy sat on the window seal of the head students Commonroom, overlooking the castle grounds, with the lake and the forbidden forest far in the background. He had a book propped open on his knees, and his head rested against the cool glass of the large window. Small rain droplets pelted against the window, and a low roll of thunder sounded in the distance somewhere to the left. Draco scanned the grey clouds eagerly, as if he was expecting something. Earlier that day, Draco had sent an Owl to his father, concerning his future as a death eater. He’d waited so long to follow in his fathers footsteps, and now, on his 18th birthday, they would accept him, accept him for who he was, and who he could become. At last, he spotted something brown moving slowly along the horizon. His heart skipped a beat, and he jumped up, tossing the book onto the floor. Draco launched the window open, allowing the tawny owl to flutter inside the warm Commonroom.

The owl landed across the room, on one of the leather chairs, near the fireplace. Draco stumbled across the room, tripping over his book that had previously been in his lap. He ripped the letter off of the owl’s leg and tore at the wax seal with his fingernails, finally managing to open it. He quickly unfolded the parchment with trembling hands, and read;

Dear Draco,
I have contacted the correct people and they will hold your ‘trial’ soon. I’ll let you know a correct date when I find out.
Your Father,
Lucuis Malfoy

Draco sighed in relief, and collapsed on the couch behind him. He stuffed the parchment into his school robes, not taking the time to fold it properly. He placed his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes, hoping to get a few hours sleep before he headed down to breakfast.


Draco’s eyes fluttered open, as he heard the door of the commonroom open. He looked around and saw Hermione entering, and then she stopped dead, looking at him. Draco and Hermione were both selected as head students for their 7th year at Hogwarts, and had to put up with living in the same headquarters. They pretty much stayed out of each others way. Draco blinked and looked down at his wrist watch.

“Lunch is over, but I’m sure you could round something up in the kitchens if you wanted. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked pretty tired, and I know how you get.” Hermione said casually.

“You’re starting to sound like my mother.” Draco replied with a smirk across his face.

Hermione laughed, and repositioned her book bag on her sholder. “I’m going to my room.” And she left without another word.

Draco sat in silence for 15 minutes, just thinking of nothing unparticular. He sighed as he stood up slowly and stretched. He rubbed his aching neck, from where he slept on it wrong. Draco ascended the few steps that lead into his room, deciding he should take a shower. He grabbed some extra clothes and a towel off of his dresser, and headed towards the bathroom he shared with Hermione.

There was only one bathroom in their headquarters, and it was right between their rooms. They each had a door in their dormitory, leading to opposite sides of it. The heads bathroom was far more extraordinary than the prefects. There was a large stand-up shower, and a large tub, like the prefects, only larger, and with lots more variations of soaps. There was a large glass mirror against one wall, a toilet in one corner, and two sinks against the opposite wall of the mirror.

Draco turned the door knob slowly, looking at the floor as he entered the bathroom. He shut the door behind him, and gasped at hat he saw. The bathroom was steamy, and he saw the clear outline of a dripping wet, naked Hermione. She had obviously just gotten out of the shower. Hermione screamed, and tried to cover herself up, but she failed miserably. Draco stood there, taking in every inch of her body. She had curves in all the right places, and her breasts were perfectly rounded. Her wet hair lay matted and tangled on her shoulders.

“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?!” Hermione bellowed as she reached for a towel.

She covered herself up quickly, glaring at Draco as she did so. Draco stared at her mesmerized; sure, he has seen plenty of girls naked, but he never pictured Hermione Granger to have such a miraculously amazing body. He felt throbbing between his legs, and he started striding towards her, uncontrollably.

“What are you doing-” she started.

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt Draco’s rough hands gripping her waist, and him grinding against her. Hermione screamed in protest, and he stripped her of her towel. Hermione screamed and beat against his chest, trying to free herself, but Draco only held on tighter. Draco stripped himself of his own clothes quickly, and threw her against the wall. She yelped painfully as she came into contact with it. Ignoring this, Draco pinned her up against the wall, by holding her wrists above her head, with one hand, and grabbing her thigh forcefully with his other, bruising her. He thrust himself into her forcefully, moaning with pleasure. Hermione cried, and begged him to stop; the tears were streaming down her face uncontrollably. The taste of blood lingered in her mouth, and the pain between her legs was nearly unbearable. Draco bit down on her neck hard as he sped up, leaving bruised teeth marks upon her. Hermione beat on him, trying to get free. Painful whimpers echoed through the bathroom, the sounds stopping at the walls and going no further due to spells that silenced her voice so no one else but the two of them could hear.

Her fingernails dug into his back, drawing blood from his flawless skin, hoping the pain would stop him, but he only pushed harder and faster. Locks of his blonde hair fell gracefully into his evil grey eyes. His movements slowed, and he pulled out of her. His face was contorted in bliss, as she closed her eyes, crying heavily, and biting her bloody lip. He let go of her wrists, and she fell into a heap on the ground. He grabbed his clothing, and left heading into his dormitory, closing the door quickly behind him.

Hermione sobbed into her hands, and curled up on the cold stone floor. Her body was aching in pain, and she slowly cried herself to sleep, not moving out of the position he had left her in.

A/N: So, What do you guys think? Do you like it so far? The fic will be getting a lot darker and more mysterious in future chapters, so stay tuned, and I’ll have the next chapter up as soon as possible! Please let me know what you think of the fic on the message boards, or in a neomail. I wont post the next chapter until I have lots of reviews!
WARNINGS: Abuse, Rape, Sexual senes.
NOTE: Book six is disregarded.

Ok, so this fic is very dark, and WILL get darker. Don't read this if you are offended with rape and abuse. It contains events that will be quite offensive and possibly "disgusting". You have been warned.

Summery: It's their 7th year at Hogwarts, And Hemionie and Draco have been made the head students. Hermione is having to share a doarmatry with Draco, and they pretty much try to stay out of eachothers way. Lets just say...Draco has a dark side.


(1) No Escape