Die-Ary of a BuM
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What follows are the accounts of a bum. A 19 year old
male without a home, and almost no place to go. All
aquaintances are real. All situations are real.
Whatever you do, don't end up like this dumbass.


9/11/03 Two years ago the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon were attacked by the stupid little sand niggers over in Iraq. All you see on TV is a bunch of people standing around listening to people name off people who were killed. BOOORING!!! I mean, what's done is done...why sit there and keep dwelling on it? I guess the only way the attacks have affected me... is that it totally destroyed the economy...I mean, what the FUCK?! Give me a fucking job dammit!! I am at a library, typing away. Something came over me as I got here to create a web site for all to see my turmoil, and hopefully show younger people that being homeless isn't very fun. This took me 20 minutes to type.
9/12/03 Getting a lot of shit done now. I have a temporary place to stay for now. I'm getting in GED classes, getting free clothes, and it looks like I'll be getting a job pretty soon. Things are looking up. Broke up with Brandi, because we can never see each other since it's a big hassle to contact each other and visit and all that shit. This took me X minutes to type.
9/16/03 Had a physical today. Pretty scary. The whole "turn your head and cough" thing is just wrong. Oh well. Might be getting back with Brandi after I get a place and a job and shit. I wonder what else is in store for me this week. Hopefully nothing too horrible. This took me 5 minutes to type.
10/27/03 Hmmm...been a while since I've written here. Let's see...what all has gone on? Hung out with Brandi. But see, there's a problem...I made a promise to myself a long time ago after I broke up with my EX, Amber, to never allow myself to fall in love again. But after spending a few days with Brandi...I don't know...I think I'm in love...I can't explain it. It's something about her that just makes me crazy about her. And I think I'm already crazy, so that's pretty CRAZY!! *twitch* *twitch* - I might be losing my place to stay...once again. I never get a break, do I? Kids, don't end up like me, whatever you do. This took me 10 minutes to type
10/28/03 Got money yesterday. It's already gone...go figure. Ran into some of my old roomates last night. And we all got HIGH and DRUNK as FUCK. Tiffany (John's girlfriend) scared me last night because she was all screaming "I'M GONNA DIE!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!" ahhh damn light weights. They are sitting here with me at the library. They might be moving in with me at my place. Then it would be like the old days. A bunch of stoners sitting around getting high all the time. Ahhh wonderful weed. lol. This took me 6 minutes to type.
10/30/03 Ran in to another of my old roomates, Phil (or as I like to call him, Pill). He might be coming to stay at my place too. Wow, the whole clan is forming together again. A clan of bums...be afraid...be very afraid. Might get to see Brandi this weekend! YEAH! my week is getting better knowing that I might see her. I don't know if I want to allow myself to fall in love again, but dammit, I can't help it! Wait, why am I saying this like it's a bad thing? It feels good to be in love! I guess I'm just afraid of being emotionally hurt again. I am a guy that needs love and attention, you know, I like to feel wanted. But I deny myself of this feeling so much and turn down so many girls because of the fact I don't want to take the risk of being hurt. But I have a feeling it's different this time...I don't know, I can't explain it. Could it be that I believe Brandi is actually worth taking the risk for? Only time will tell... ***IN OTHER NEWS*** Stayed up all night, watching movies...smashing food...thinking about Brandi. Pierced my right eyebrow twice. Ahhh safety pins are fun. And piercings are fun too! AHHH I think I'm like addicted or some shit! Must have more piercings!!! *twitch* *random convulsion* *twitch* This took me 10 minutes to type
10/31/03 Happy Halloween Who cares. Might be going to a party tonight. It's gonna be fun getting high and drunk and stuff. Halloween parties always tend to be the best for me. Yeah, John Tiffany and Pill will be there. I wonder if they are bringing any friends? We all need to party and party some more! I don't wanna remember anything!! well, actually I do kinda...but that's what happens!! lol. I'm not gonna see Brandi today so that just gives me the opportunity to go party! see, I win no matter what. I love having powers. This took me 8 minutes to type.
11/5/03 My best friend Jerry is coming to live with me. He will be moving back from California to come to Ohio. I miss him, he's like another me! YAY! I smile! This is going to be the best thing that has happened to me so far. And he says he's bringing money with him and we are going to get a house and stuff. Heh, I can't wait. Visited Isha and Tina yesterday. It was fun. They are hilarious. I should visit them more often. But I don't think I can visit them today because I have to go take my GED class at the library. Hey, I'm at the library right now...but it doesn't start till 5:00 PM. I pierced Tina's left eyebrow with a safety pin, and Isha got all freaked out over it!! lol It was great. But, not everything is as kosher as it seems. Something has come to my attention...something that is making me have second-thoughts about Brandi. I am not mentioning any names, or who said what, or who did what...nor am I mentioning what I heard, due to the fact that certain people I know read this. But what I CAN say, is that chances are if I WERE to get with Brandi, I would end up getting hurt in the end. So I'm not about to enter a relationship only to know what will happen. So, what am I going to do? I really don't know. I mean, I REALLY like her...but I'm starting to think I'm better off being single. Like I said before...only time will tell. *sigh* such a sad life... :( This took me 12 minutes to type
11/6/03 A cold day today, and It's only going to get colder. Saw Isha and Tina lastnight, they came down to the library. Surprised the hell out of me, but it was great to see them. :) Still fighting the inner conflicts that eat me alive. Inner conflicts of whether or not to be single. Debating whether or not Brandi is worth it or not. Something tells me she is, something tells me she's not. AHHHHH WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?! SO CONFUSED!!! Why am I always in these situations?!?!?! This took me 4 minutes to type.
11/15/03 It's fucking cold!! This wind is ridiculous! Oh well, nothing I can do about it, so why bitch. Pierced my ear a couple days ago...I was drunk and high, so I said fuck it. It's a fun piercing. Decided to be single for a while, I don't know if a relationship is what I want right now. It's a good thing...I like turning chicks down. I like imagining their egos dying because they don't expect the rejection. Am I evil? nahh.... This took me 3 minutes to type
12/8/03 An unexpected event occured today. Something I would have never expected. I got a message from my Mom. My REAL mom. Something tells me I might be moving back to California. Soon. I wonder what my real family is like. This took me 2 minutes to type.

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