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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
The Sino-Vietnamese War: The Forgotten Vietnam War
Topic: History

Many have heard of the French-Indochina War; which culminated in a French defeat, and the end of French colonial power in Vietnam in 1954.  Many more are probably familiar with the Vietnam War, especially in the United States.  This war involved North Vietnam and America and ended in 1975 with a North Vietnamese victory; and the unification of the nation under Communist control.  What many in America and elsewhere do not know is that there was another "Vietnam War" later in the 20th Century:  The Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979!


The conflict was a result of a split between Communist allies China and the Soviet Union.  China backed Cambodia, while the Soviets supported Vietnam.   When Vietnam went to war with Cambodia, China invaded northern Vietnam on February 17, 1979.  After tens of thousands of casualties on both sides, and with Chinese forces facing the same determined resistance that American soldiers had faced earlier, the Chinese withdrew less than a month later.  Click the image below to watch a documentary on the war:


For More on The Sino-Vietnamese War Read: ;  ;



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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:10 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 14 November 2017 6:22 PM CST
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Saturday, 1 July 2017
The Battle of Isandlwana
Topic: History

The British, with the imperialistic goal of increasing England's exploitable territory in Africa, set their sights on South Africa.  This brought the British Empire into direct confrontation with the Zulu Kingdom.  In 1879, the British invaded Zululand and this initiated the Anglo-Zulu War.  Eleven days into their invasion the British force had their first major battle with the Zulus, on January 22, 1879 at a place called Isandlwana (Isandhlwana).

The British Army had fought other armies in Africa.  They had usually employed guerrilla ambush and hit-and-run tactics.  The British expected the same from the Zulus.  However, the Zulus had been militarized under the great king Shaka.  Everything from training to weaponry had been reformed, all with the goal of dominating enemies in major battles. The British would learn the differences between the Zulus and other foes at Isandwana

A movie. "Zulu Dawn," gives a look at what transpired.  CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH THE FULL MOVIE:



The result of the battle was the greatest defeat of the British Empire by a native army EVER!!!  What followed was the failure of Britain's invasion of Zululand, and a retreat by British forces.  In future clashes the British Army learned to classify Zulu infantry as "Light Cavalry" due to their speed, stamina, and distances covered when "running" to battle -- STILL BEING READY TO FIGHT UPON ARRIVAL!



Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:53 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 5 March 2021 5:28 PM CST
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Saturday, 21 January 2017
Forgotten Pioneers: Before Obama, Before Clinton...There Was Fulani!
Topic: History


In 2008 Barack Obama achieved the unachievable when he was elected to be the United States of America's first African-American President.  This in a country that was built on slavery and genocide!  In 2016 another unimaginable historic political milestone was reached when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in her bid to become the first female President of the United States.  This in a country where the archaic evils of sexism and gender inequality continue to thrive in the 21st Century!  Before these history makers achieved what they did, there was a person who simultaneously laid the groundwork for both.   HER name is Lenora Fulani!

She was born in Chester, Pennsylvania on April 25, 1950.  After a childhood that included losing her father at an early age, Lenora went on to receive a scholarship to Hofstra University in 1967.  Following her graduation in 1971, she went on to Master's Degree from Columbia University's Teachers College; and a PhD from City University of New York in Psychology.  Having been involved with Black Nationalist politics in college, and later working in the Black Community itself, she melded the two.  Seeing neither the Democratic or Republican Parties as true friends of the masses, she began working to empower people of color, women, and other oppressed groups through the establishment of a viable independent third party.  Dr. Fulani soon rose to leadership in the New Alliance Party, a third political party in New York that described itself as a Black-led Multiracial party.  In 1988, heading the New Alliance Party's ticket, Dr. Lenora Fulani became the first African-American and the first woman to get on the general election ballot in all fifty states during her campaign for President.  She was also the first to qualify for federal matching funds.  With Rev. Jesse Jackson having run that same year in the Democratic Primary, Dr. Fulani coined the phrase "Two Roads Are Better Than One."  Facing the entrenched two-party system with its monopoly on debates and media coverage -- as well as the her own African-American Community's self-imposed political enslavement to the Democratic Party and its candidates -- she still received over 200,000 votes.

Following the 1988 election, Dr. Fulani continued her political work and gained notable allies such as Minister Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Al Sharpton.   I myself worked with her political organization.  In 1991, when visiting New York for a meeting with a publisher, I had the pleasure of attending one of Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network rallies in Harlem (PS 175) with her.  I was also asked to serve in her honor guard when she visited the Nation of Islam in Chicago.  Regrettably I wasn't able to make it.  In 1992 she again campaigned for the Presidency unsuccessfully.  She continued her community and political work; but, years later, her support in the Black Community took a major hit when -- in her quest to establish a third party -- she briefly allied herself with Pat Buchanan during his presidential campaign.

For more on Dr. Lenora Fulani:


Books to read:





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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:42 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 28 May 2017 6:37 PM CDT
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Friday, 25 November 2016
The Rape of Black Males During Slavery
Topic: History


One of the main elements slavery provided to slave owners was sexual fulfillment.  Not only did the White plantation owner have his wife to provide pleasure, but he also had the pick of his female slave population.  This relationship of rape and sexual domination is depicted visually and very vividly in series and movies like Roots and 12 Years A Slave.  But what is never mentioned is the rape experience of Black males during slavery.
Gay slave owners would often buy Black males according to physique and penis size.  Just like straight slave masters, they bought what they were attracted to when purchasing for sexual pleasure.   There was also the practice known as "Buck Breaking" or "Breaking The Buck." A spirited Black male slave was selected by the "massa,"  then beaten and subdued.  Battered and restrained, he'd have his trousers removed and -- in front of his family and fellow slaves -- would be raped by the slave master.  Friends of the slave master were also invited to take part.  This act of debauchery acted as both a vehicle for the slave owner's sexual gratification, and a warning to other Black men and boys to submit. 
Black male slaves were also sexually abused by White women in the position to do so. These were women of status such as female slave owners, wives of slave masters, and the female relatives of plantation owners.  For those thinking that this might be enjoyable, or that it's impossible for a man to be raped by a woman -- think again!  Imagine being forced to perform sex acts with or for the most unattractive woman you can visualize, with a gun at your head and the real possibility of the trigger being pulled if she wasn't satisfied!  Imagine a slave owner's teen daughter forcing you to be her seuxal practice dummy, knowing the whole time that if/when you're discovered you'll be lynched or boiled in oil!  Imagine having to have sex with an animal for the enjoyment of the slave master's wife and her friends!  According to Captain Richard J. Hinton, an abolitionist commander in the , “I have never found a bright-looking colored man, whose confidences I have won… who has not told me of instances where he has been compelled, either by his mistress, or by white women of the same class, to have connection with them.” One former slave told Hinton that his mistress ordered him to sleep with her after her husband died. These are just two examples of the many stories abolitionists like Hinton told to prove the immorality of slaveholding.

In Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1867),  it mentions how planters’ daughters would take advantage of male slaves:

They know that the women slaves are subject to their father's authority in all things; and in some cases they exercise the same authority over the men slaves. I have myself seen the master of such a household whose head was bowed down in shame; for it was known in the neighborhood that his daughter had selected one of the meanest slaves on his plantation to be the father of his first grandchild. She did not make her advances to her equals, nor even to her father's more intelligent servants. She selected the most brutalized, over whom her authority could be exercised with less fear of exposure.


Africans who came to the Americas in bondage suffered in many ways.  One of the most dehumanizing and nefarious aspects was that of sexual abuse.  Black adults and children -- male and female -- experienced every kind of sexual degradation imaginable during this period in time when White skin equated to a free pass for sexual domination. 



Sex Farms During Slavery & The Effeminazation of Black Men

Slavery and Its Effect On Jamaican Homophobia

Sexual Relations Between Elite White Women and Enslaved Men in The Antebellum South 



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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:34 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 26 November 2016 11:01 AM CST
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Saturday, 31 October 2015
Harvey, Illinois: More Than Meets The Eye!
Topic: History
harvey illinois

Harvey, Illinois is a primarily African-American south suburb of Chicago.  In the 1800's it housed an orphanage for African-American children.  In the past it was known for having some of the best places to eat in the Chicagoland area.  Places like Anello's Pizza, City BBQ, George's BBQ, Gino's Steakhouse  and Jean's Bakery.  Sadly, today it is known mostly for crime and poverty; but there is something else -- if you look deeper.

This small city of roughly 25,000 has provided gems for the rest of the world to share in for decades.  A bounty of sport, movies, music and culture!  Harvey gave the world the R&B greats:  The Dells (I was married to the daughter of a Dells member).  Harvey also produced baseball hall of famer Lou Boudreau and comic legend Tom Dreesen; as well as actors Michael Boatman and Danitra Vance.  In the arena of politics Harvey elected its first Black Mayor in the 1980's, David N. Johnson, who went on to work for African-American empowerment in the region.  The city's high school, Thornton Township High School, is known -- with good reason -- as NFL High!  Napoleon Harris (NFL), Barry Gardner (NFL), Antwaan Randle El (NFL), Melvin Ely (NBA), Rod Higgins (NBA) and many more notables.

Just on one block -- 155th & Vine -- we had Grammy Award Winning Music Producer Maurice Joshua, Comedian & Actor Aubrey Fourte, Actor & Producer Mark Fourte, Ph.D & Lt. Col. U.S. Air Force Officer Anthony Thompson, at least three others who went on to get Doctorates, and myself all growing up together.  Oh, and just around the corner was Lamar McGriggs, NFL defensive back; while Grammy Award Winning Music Producer Hula Mahone was in walking distance.

Yes there is crime and poverty in Harvey, but there is also a drive to achieve and overcome!










Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:30 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 June 2021 4:58 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Nakano Takeko -- Lady Samurai
Topic: History

"Nakanotakeko" by Original uploader was John Smith's at en.wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:BanyanTree using CommonsHelper.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons -

The contributions of women in warfare have often been overlooked.  This has been the case with female samurai.  One such "Lady Samurai" was Nakano Takeko, born into the Aizu Clan in Edo, Japan in 1847.  She grew into a master of arms such as the naginata (a Japanese polearm), the use of which she taught to numerous other women samurai.  She would later lead this force in support of the Shogun during the Boshin War.  In 1868, during battle against the numerically superior forces of the Meiji Emperor, she was shot and killed after fighting like a demon.  Rather than have her head claimed as a war trophy Takeko's sister, Yuko, cut it off and took it to a temple for proper burial.  If you have seen the movie "The Last Samurai" you will have an idea of the time period and the forces involved.  Nakano Takeko is honored to this day in her homeland for her courage,, bravery and honor.
 Additional References:
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:01 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:49 PM CDT
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Friday, 21 August 2015
Mansa Musa -- King of Kings
Topic: History

Mansa Musa (1280-1337) was the "King of Kings" or "Emperor" of the wealthy West African empire of Mali.  He was known by many names including Musa I of Mali, Mansa Gonga Musa, Musa Keita, Kankan Musa, and many others.  He came to the throne in 1307, and in 1324 began a pilgrimage -- or hajj -- that would awaken the world to the vast wealth of his kingdom.  Traveling from his capital Niani on the upper Niger River to Mauritania, then on to Algeria, before reaching Cairo, Egypt and ultimately Mecca.  Mansa Musa led an impressive caravan of 60,000 men, including 12,000 slaves, all dressed in brocade and Persian silk.  The Emperor himself rode a horse and was preceded by 500 slaves, each carrying a gold-adorned staff.  He had a baggage train of 100 camels, each carrying 300 pounds of gold.  He was so generous and lavish in his spending that he flooded the Cairo gold market (the world's largest gold market), and caused a decline in its value that was felt for over a decade. Impacting the world's largest market for this precious metal impacted the world's market!  The wealth of Mali had such and effect on the world, that by the end of the 14th Century, 2/3 of the gold in Europe was from there!
After conquering the Kingdom of Songhai he made one of its cities, Timbuktu, a major trade hub.  It had caravans connected to Cairo and all other major commercial centers in North Africa.  Aside from commerce, Mansa Musa was concerned with education.  Learning received royal patronage and scholars flooded in from far and wide to make the mosque of Sankore a teaching institution; an institution which laid the foundations of the University of Sankore.  He died in 1337.


Black History Pages  
Encyclopedia Britannica
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:26 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 6 May 2017 4:06 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Operation Red Dog: The Ku Klux Klan's Plan To Conquer A Black Country
Topic: History

photo courtesy of Southern Poverty Law Center

In 1979, American Klansman Mike Perdue was introduced to German-Canadian neo-Nazi Wolfgang Droege by David Duke, Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.  That Summer, Perdue outlined a plan to overthrow the government of Grenada, and to set up profitable businesses there.  The target island was later changed to Dominica.

The plan, which was known as Operation Red Dog, eventually included a number of Canadian and American White supremacists and Klansmen.  Among those were James Alexander McQuirter, the Grand Wizard of the Canadian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; and American Don Black, a Klansman who later founded the White nationalist website "Stormfront."

On April 27, 1981, the group was arrested by federal agents in New Orleans, Louisiana as it prepared to board a boat.  Hardware for the "invasion" included automatic weapons, shotguns, rifles, dynamite, handguns and ammunition.  The group also brought along a Nazi flag.

The plot leader, Mike Perdue, and six other men pled guilty to violation of the Neutrality Act.  Others were found guilty by a jury. 







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 7:45 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 September 2016 8:30 AM CDT
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Sunday, 29 March 2015
Abraham Lincoln And Race
Topic: History
abraham lincoln and black people, abraham lincoln and race, the whitehurst blog

People at times get Lincoln fever. With movies and the prevailing thought that he was a warrior against slavery distorting the truth. Abraham Lincoln did free the slaves; but not because he felt Blacks should be free. He freed slaves as a strategic move to weaken the South. Proof of this is in the fact that the slaves in Southern areas that remained loyal to the Union remained slaves even after emancipation. Lincoln said that he would keep slavery if it would preserve the Union; and that he would end slavery if it would preserve the Union. Abraham Lincoln was a champion of holding the United States together, not of racial equality.

On the issue of slavery, and on his personal feelings about African-Americans and their equality with Whites, Abraham Lincoln had this to say:

      "Now, gentlemen, I don't want to read at any greater length, but this is the true complexion of all I have ever said in regard to the institution of slavery and the black race. This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse. [Laughter.] I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary...I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects-certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment...." -- Excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's first debate with Stephen Douglas in Ottawa, Illinois (August 21, 1858)

In a letter to Horace Greeley, dated August 24, 1862, Lincoln stated:

     "My paramount object is to save the union...not to save or destroy slavery."

Yes Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves, but not because he loved African-Americans or thought that Black people were equal.  Know your history!  Lincoln idolization based on a flawed understanding of history reminds me of Bill Clinton's presidency. 

An African-American woman at a college, with a fanatical glare in her eyes, said to me that Bill Clinton was another John Kennedy.  I laughed because of the flawed view of both Kennedy and Clinton.  Kennedy stalled on civil rights legislation; and had Dr. Martin Luther King's phones bugged over a fear of communist infestation of the civil rights movement.  It also wasn't Kennedy who pushed the most important civil rights legislation in history through Congress, it was President Lyndon Johnson.  As for Clinton, he may maintain an office in Harlem, New York, and play a sax, but he was against affirmative action.  Additionally there's still the little thing of investments in South Africa during the Apartheid Era.  Sorry to burst bubbles but Bill Clinton WAS NOT the first Black President -- that honor goes to Barack Obama.

Know your history and choose your idols wisely! 







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 7:15 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 10:46 PM CDT
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Menelik II: Father of Ethiopia And Bane of Italy
Topic: History
the whitehurst blog, menelik ii, battle of adwa, steven whitehurst, ethiopia

Menelik II was born August 17, 1844.  He ruled Shewa (Shoa) Abyssinia (Ethiopia), a province of the country, for twenty-five years; before rising to become Ethiopian Emperor in 1889.  Menelik II's reign coincided with the European Scramble for Africa, where European countries invaded the continent of Africa, and carved it up to satisfy imperialistic desires.  Ethiopia stood as one of two independent nations left on the continent -- the other being Liberia.

After a treaty dispute with Ethiopia, the Kingdom of Italy decided on a military solution.  Behind this decision was the desire of Italy to share in the spoils ofr European colonialism and imperialism in Africa.  The following conflict became known as the First Italo-Ethiopian War.

The two sides clashed numerous times, leading up to the decisive battle of the war.  On March 1, 1896, the Italian and Ethiopian armies met at Adwa (Adowa), Ethiopia.  The Italian forces consisted on 17,700 well armed men, with 56 artillery pieces.  Facing them was an Ethiopian force of 120,000 men with 100,000 firearms, and about 40 artillery pieces -- some being obsolete.

The two armies fought, with Emperor Menelik II's soldiers securing an overwhelming victory!  Ethiopian casualties included 4,000-5,000 men killed and 8,000 wounded.  The Italian army was virtually wiped out, suffering 7,000 dead, 1,500 wounded and 3,000 captured.  Captured African soldiers, who fought for the Italians, had body parts amputated to mark them as African traitors.  Consequently, a number of them did not survive their captivity.  As a result of their defeat at the hands of Ethiopia, the Kingdom of Italy signed the Treaty of Addis Ababa which recognized Ethiopian independence.

Menelik II was more than a great wartime leader.  He eagerly embraced modernization for his country; and, his innovations were unprecedented in Ethiopian history.  They include his creation of the Ethiopian capitol, Addis Ababa; the introduction of electricity; construction of modern bridges and telegraph lines; creation of a mint, national currency and a national bank; the first hotel; schools and hospitals; a postal system; and a national newspaper.

Menelik II's reign ended upon his death on December 12, 1913.  He was the father of Ethiopia; and, he would be known for all times, as the person who led the most successful campaign of African resistance to European colonialism and domination.  Menelik II (1844-1913).








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 2:36 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 10:47 PM CDT
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