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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Police Murder of Philando Castile (Video)
Topic: Police Brutality
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:50 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:31 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015
16 Shots In Chicago!
Topic: Police Brutality
16 shots!!! 16 shots at a Black teen on a Chicago street, caught on video, and the shooter gets paid desk duty for a year! If I'd shot a White man 16 times, and it was caught on video, I'd be locked under the jail within hours. The disparate treatment of African-Americans by police and the "justice system" is obvious! Black Lives Matter to me, but they definitely don't matter to those who carry badges as they ride through Black communities like occupying troops in foreign territory. Black Lives also don't seem to matter to the State's Attorney, who only brought charges when it was clear that the incendiary video of Laquan McDonald's murder would be released. The Chicago Police Department has a long history of racism against Black people. I've been called a nigger by a CPD officer, and I've heard CPD officers brag about beating suspects. The nest of rats known as the Chicago Police Department needs to be cleaned out! The Black nation won't continue to accept this! �€ï¿½#‎ReformorRevolution�€ï¿½
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:58 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:38 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 28 April 2015
The Baltimore Riots: Echoes of the past, Glimpses of the Future
Topic: Police Brutality

Yesterday Baltimore was the latest city to explode in flames as many in that city's Black Community vented their anger over the death of Freddie Gray.  Gray died while in police custody, becoming the most recent African-American victim of police violence.  The "law" and African-Americans have a long history together, marked by police violence, intimidation and murder.  From the time that Africans stepped on American shores, the police have acted as the paramilitary arm of a racist system to keep Blacks "in their place."  In the North police helped to keep Blacks segregated; while in the South, the law -- i.e. slave catchers -- worked to keep Blacks enslaved.   This racially motivated predatory behavior on the part of law enforcement continued into the 1960's, when it came to light during the Civil Rights Movement that many policemen were members of White supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.  Paraphrasing Huey P. Newton, Co-Founder of the Black Panther Party, the police act as an occupying force in the Black Community, akin to troops on foreign soil.

For years African-Americans have claimed abuse at the hands of police.  For years those claims were ignored.  The difference between the present and the past is the cellphone.  People now have the ability to record police violence, and to share it via the internet worldwide.  The result has been an increase in video of police brutality, effectively catching policemen in the act more than ever before.  The murder of Black people can no longer be swept under the rug!

Baltimore's Freddie Gray becomes the latest in a long list of victims of the "law." His name was added to those of Bobby Hutton, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, among many other Black Panther Party members murdered by the police; Eleanor Bumpurs; Michael Brown; Anthony Hill; Walter Scott and countless others.   Let's not forget Trayvon Martin, who was murdered by a "wanna-be" cop. 

Unrest resulting from African-American anger over police treatment has happened before.  With the frequency of video evidence showing police murder of African-Americans, unrest is sure to happen again.  Many in the African-American Community don't feel safe when dealing with the police.  The natural response of a human being living in fear is to work to bring about a feeling of safety.  For many Blacks this will mean arming.  Taking up the gun!  The police think they have problems now with sporadic violence by bottle throwing teens.  What happens when the police kill an African-American in the future, and are met with a response by an armed populace.   And what if this armed populace became politically educated and motivated, i.e. the Black Panther Party? Heed the warning... Cities across America need to find effective ways of dealing with racist pigs and their puppets, before the community deals with them instead.








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:47 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:13 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Chicago Offers $5.5 Million In Reparations To Victims Of Police Torture
Topic: Police Brutality

The Chicago City Council is proposing a $5.5 million reparations package for victims of torture by former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge.  Burge has been accused by more than 100 people of using torture.  Victims have described being beaten with phone books, being shocked with cattle prods, and being suffocated with bags until they gave false confessions.  Jon Burge's reign of brutality lasted for nearly two decades, ending in 1991.  He was fired from the police department in 1993.





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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:49 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:18 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Police Beat Disabled Man (Video)
Topic: Police Brutality

It's not bad enough that it seems like a policeman is shooting an unarmed African American every week, but now they've taken to beating the disabled!  This video shows a pure coward's move!!!  The common thread in all of these stories of police abuse is that the police are acting like common bullies, targeting people who they deem to be defenseless.  The difference between the "boys in blue" and bullies however is that officers carry guns.  The "LAW" is completely out of control, and It's time for the police to be policed!   








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:17 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:18 PM CDT
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Sunday, 15 February 2015
Washington Police Shoot Man For Throwing Rocks
Topic: Police Brutality





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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 2:33 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 5:16 PM CDT
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Sunday, 11 January 2009
California Police Shooting Caught On Camera
Topic: Police Brutality
DateCreated1/11/2009 3:24:00 PM
PostedDate1/11/2009 3:24:00 PM


Riots struck the city of Oakland, California, following the murder of 22 year-old Oscar Grant by a Bay Area Transit Authority (BART) officer. Footage shows Grant being shot in the back while being held down helpless. Read the full story HERE.

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:24 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:08 PM CST
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