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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Friday, 24 March 2017
Murderer Who Fed Girlfriend To Dogs Signs Football Contract
Topic: Crime

Brazilian footballer Bruno Fernandes de Souza recently signed a contract to return to the sport, after serving time in prison for the torture and murder of his ex-girlfriend (mother of his youngest child).   Eliza Samudio went missing in June 2010, after suing the married de Souza for child support.  In July of that year he was arrested, along with two other men and one another one of his ex-girlfriends.  It was learned that Ms. Samudio had been tortured and strangled, before being cut into pieces and fed to hungry dogs.   Her kidnapped child was found with de Souza's wife.  De Souza was convicted in 2013 and sentenced to a 22 years in prison.  However, he was released early in February 2017, and recently signed a deal to renew his career.  In an interview de Souza said:

What happened, happened. I made a mistake, a serious one, but mistakes happens in life - I'm not a bad guy.


For more on this story:,_born_1984)


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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:12 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 24 March 2017 11:18 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Harvey School Board Member Charged With Sexual Assault
Topic: Crime

photo: School District 152

A longtime Harvey, Illinois city employee and member of that community's School District 152 Board has been charged with committing sexual assault at Harvey's City Hall.  The sexual assault allegedly happened on Friday.  On Monday Tyrone Rogers, 59, was charged.
A 49 year-old woman had gone to City Hall to meet with Rogers on behalf of a friend.  She alleged that she was led into a room, then Rogers locked the door behind her and commenced with the assault.  Rogers, Director of Commuter Parking for the city was placed on unpaid leave.
Roger's wife, Janet, also a school board member, was convicted of theft and state benefits fraud in 2004.  She stepped down from the board, but rejoined it with a criminal record after she was pardoned by then Governor Pat Quinn (D).
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:34 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 5:56 PM CDT
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Thursday, 18 August 2016
Man Arrested For Having Sex With Van
Topic: Crime

photo courtesy of Montgomery County Jail

A Dayton Man, Michael Henson, was taken into custody Tuesday for allegedly having sex with a parked van.  According to WDTN, Henson was seen swinging on a stop sign and pulling his pants down.
The woman who called 911 reported that Henson had sex with the front grill of a van "for a while," before passing out in a nearby yard.  Police arrived on scene, took the apparently drunken Henson into custody, and he was charged with two counts of public indecency.  Henson is being held in the Montgomery County Jail.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:02 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:06 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Issei Sagawa: From Cannibal To Porn Star
Topic: Crime

Issei Sagawa, born in Japan, was a Literature student attending the Sorbonne in Paris.   While there, in 1981, he became obsessed with Renee (Renae) Hartevelt, a 25 year-old Dutch student.  After inviting her to his apartment he shot her in the back of the neck with a rifle -- killing her!  Sagawa, who had harbored cannibalistic fantasies since childhood, then turned his dreams into reality.  He had sex with Hartevelt's corpse, cut the body into pieces, and began eating it -- some raw and some cooked in a frying pan with seasoning.  He was later arrested after packing uneaten body parts into suitcases and trying to discard them at a park.   Sagawa confessed and was held for 2 years, before being committed to a hospital for the criminally insane.  While he was there he wrote his autobiography In The Fog, which became a Japanese best-seller.  French officials were persuaded not to prosecute Sagawa due to his mental state, and he was deported back to Japan in 1984.  Once back in his home country he was found to be sane, and by 1986 he was a free man.  While talking about Hartevelt he said:


“When I think back on how gentle Renee was, I ask myself why I did what I did, and there’s no end to my feelings of bitterness,” Sagawa reflects. “But I wanted to eat her. That doesn’t mean I wanted to kill her, but I came to the realization that in order to eat her, I had to kill her.  If I think about it now, if, instead of her flesh, I’d been able to obtain her pubic hairs or urine and put them in my mouth I might have been satisfied. But I wasn’t able to bring myself to ask—I guess I was afraid my asking her for it would have disgusted her.”


Issei Sagawa, the "Paris Cannibal," went on to write restaurant reviews, paint nudes, and eventually even went into porn.  He is currently in his 60's and living in a small apartment in Kawasaki City, Japan.










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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:46 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:13 PM CDT
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Thursday, 28 July 2016
No Child Asks To Be Molested!!!
Topic: Crime

I just watched a tv program where two young ladies said that they'd been molested by their fathers. Neither of their mothers believed them. When the lie detector test determined that there had been molestation, one of the mothers walked off the stage rather than apologizing to her daughter for not believing her. It's bad enough to be violated by a family member, but when a loved one says that they don't believe the abuse happened -- that's a second abuse. It takes great strength and courage to come forward after a rape or sexual molestation. The worst thing a parent can do is to disbelieve their child in one of these cases. Many times people would rather not accept that a child has been molested, because they don't want to end the relationship with the abuser. Essentially their love for their partner is greater than their love for their child. This is sick! I knew a woman who was molested by her stepfather, and when she told her mother about the abuse, the mother got jealous and physically attacked her!

Bottom line: If you're not ready to handle your responsibilities as a parent, don't have children! A parent is supposed to protect and love their children unconditionally. If you can't do that -- stay out of the baby making game. No child asks to be molested!








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 7:29 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 7:11 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 29 April 2015
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Topic: Crime

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).  Beating a person is not loving them...Stop The Violence!







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 10:03 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 6:52 PM CDT
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Friday, 6 March 2015
Michigan Couple Gets Life Sentence For Raping Baby
Topic: Crime

police handout

On Thursday a Michigan couple received life sentences for filming each other sexually abusing a 1 year-old baby.  Stevie Foehl, 28, and Michael Emory, 26, pled guilty in January to a number of sex charges.  The video of the rape was found on Emory's computer while investigating other cases against the couple.


Full Story: 








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:26 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 7:02 PM CDT
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Saturday, 18 May 2013
Rape & Sex
Topic: Crime

Rapes in the military, rapes on the streets, rapes during car jackings, rapes in India on buses, priests sexually abusing children, rapes of coma patients in hospitals, sexual harassment at the workplace, teachers and coaches sexually assaulting youth, Muslim terrorists killing innocent people so they can end up in Paradise with 72 virgins. This is really a sex crazed world! Sex can be a beautiful thing between people who care about each other. But sex in the quest for empowerment and domination over another living being is sick!






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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:03 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 6:42 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Marbury Calls Dogfighting A Sport!!!
Topic: Crime
DateCreated8/22/2007 5:08:00 PM
PostedDate8/22/2007 3:30:00 PM
BodyWhile giving an interview, NBA player Stephon Marbury expressed his support for embattled NFL quarterback Michael Vick; who has recently been in the news for his involvement in an illegal dogfighting/gambling ring. Marbury also said that he considers dogfighting a sport. Click Here to read the full story.

Sadly this is another case of an uneducated person making an uneducated statement. I don't see anything sporting about causing the violent death of another living creature, simply for profit and sick thrills.

It's funny how the people who consider these types of death matches sports, are never the individuals inside the cages. It's sometimes hard for people to understand situations unless they themselves are in them. To that end, why don't we have all the animal-fighting enthusiasts become modern day gladiators. Put them in something like the Ultimate Fighting Championship -- but with no rules and fights to the death. In keeping with Michael Vick's practices, whoever didn't fight up to expectations would meet a gruesome demise by way of drowning, electrocution, etc.. I wonder if those same people, while in the last throes of death, would still see this as a sport....

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:30 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Tragedy At Virginia Tech
Topic: Crime


DateCreated4/18/2007 2:26:00 PM
PostedDate4/18/2007 12:29:00 PM
BodyYet another school shooting, more bloodshed, and still more heartache. I would just like to send out my best wishes to the students and families of the Virginia Tech University community, as they try to cope with the recent massacre of their friends, teachers and loved ones.

To the spineless politicians who inhabit Washington, DC and the fifty states of the U.S., stop taking money from the gun lobbies and take the guns off of the streets!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:29 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:55 PM CST
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