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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Sunday, 10 February 2019
Race & Second Class Citizenship
Topic: Personal Stories

One of the many uncomfortable facts of being Black in America is having to deal with racial discrimination. One of the most profound moments in an African-American's life is that first moment when you learn the meaning of "second-class citizen." A person may not know the term but they definitely know the feeling. This initial lesson in American racism usually happens early in life, and it scars the memory!

We were a poor family. My mother was a single parent, and doing the best she could to provide for us in inner-city Chicago. Being poor, it was really a treat to go to the mall. These excursions usually consisted of lots of walking for my little legs, going to lots of stores that I wasn't interested in; but I was able to get a treat from time to time! On this particular day my mom had enough money left over for me to pick a place to eat. I was so excited-- and I was hungry too!

I don't know if their signs were made to attract kids, but my eyes were glued on the Orange Julius. Later on I learned that the restaurant was known for their drinks, but I had my eyes on the food. The Pizza Dog in particular! Funny thing is I didn't even like pizza...but I wanted that dog! My mother and I got in this long line, and it seemed like it took forever to make it to the front. With every step I took I tried to imagine what that pizza dog would taste like! My mouth was watering with anticipation when we finally reached the cashier. I looked up with joy as my mom tried to order. But, right then, the order taker looked right past us and took the order of the White family behind. My anticipation turned to anger as I saw my mother being ignored by the White employees. That's when the feeling of being a second-class citizen hit! Being treated less than simply because of race! We left as the White people there continued to order and eat... To this day I've never bought anything from an Orange Julius!

Years later, when I was married, I took my then-wife out for dinner to celebrate one of our anniversaries. We were in Kankakee, Illinois and I looked for her favorite food: Mexican! She asked me where we were going and me, loving to spring surprises, wouldn't tell her! When we pulled up in front of a Mexican restaurant her joy at my surprise was apparent -- We both loved steak tortas! For those not in the know a torta is a sandwich on a Mexican bun with lettuce, cilantro, onions, tomato, mayo or sour cream, sometimes refried beans and/or jalapeno peppers, and your choice of meat. They are absolutely delicious! And, after working up an appetite swimming, we were ready to crush some food! We went inside and walked up to the cashier to order. Just then Deja Vu! The Mexican employee behind the counter looked past us and took the order of the Mexicans behind. We waited and tried to order again. Again we got ignored in favor of the Mexicans behind us in line. I even tried to order in Spanish, and still got ignored. I was pissed! Not only were they disrespecting me, but they were disrespecting my wife -- and we were "Americans" both born here in America! Listening to the employees it was obvious that not all of them were. I finally got loud and screamed at them "Is anybody going to serve us?" Ignored!!! Refused service once again at a restaurant because of being Black! We left as the Mexican people there continued to order and eat...

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:39 PM CST
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