The only information you will need is the lawyers name, and then, a short description of why you feel the Lawyer needs to be investigated.  All this information will be entered right on the WA State Bar's web site -- File an e-grievance. 

All you need to do is click on the link above, fill in your personal information. Fill in any other information that applies or leave blank.   Where you are asked to enter the lawyers information, click on the SEARCH block. Up will pop a box that will ask you to put the lawyers name or his bar number. For example if you want to file a grievance against Russell Hauge, Bar number 13866. Simply put in 13866 and the e-grievance form will finish entering the lawyers information.  

Then all you need to do is briefly describe what harm you sustained at the lawyers hand.

Here is an example of a grievance I filed against the Kitsap County Prosecutor Russell Hauge for violations of Rule 4.4


Office of Disciplinary Counsel
Washington State Bar Association
1325 Fourth Avenue, Suite 600
Seattle, WA 98101-2539


Read our information sheet Lawyer Discipline in Washington before you complete this form, particularly the section about consenting to disclosure of your grievance to the lawyer.If you have a disability or need assistance with filing a grievance, call us at (206) 727-8207. We will take reasonable steps to accommodate you.Please note that this form is only for new grievances. If you have already filed a grievance, do not use this form to send us additional information. Mail any additional information with your grievance file number to the address above.If you provide an email address, you will receive a confirmation email after you submit your grievance. We will communicate with you by letter after we review your grievance.Date Received: 4/2/2012 1:38:00 PMConfirmation Number: 201204020002

Scheidler, William 
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial 

1515 Lidstrom Place E 

Address Line 2 

Port Orchard, WA 98366 
City, State, and Zip Code 

United States 

Phone Number 

Alternate Phone Number 
Email Address

Hauge, Russell Duane 
Last Name, First Name 

614 Division St 

Address Line 2 

Port Orchard, WA 98366-4614 
City, State, and Zip Code 

United States 

(360) 337-7174 
Phone Number 

Bar Number (if known)

Describe your relationship to the lawyer who is the subject of your grievance:
Other: Third party whose interests have been implicated 

Is there a court case related to your grievance?

If yes, what is the case name and file number?
Kitsap County v Kitsap rifle and revolver club 

Explain your grievance in your own words. Give all important dates, times, places, and court file numbers. You may attach additional materials by using the file upload feature below.

I am a member of the Kitsap County Rife and Revolver Club (KRRC), badge number 85427. Respondent lawyer, Russ Hauge, has violated

(a) In representing a client, a lawyer shall not use means that have no
substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third
person, or use methods of obtaining evidence that violate the legal rights
of such a person.

Russ Hauge in his official capacity in prosecuting Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club under various theories has, without evidence, without conducting an investigation, deprived me of my right to engage in lawful activities, including engaging in lawful activities at the Kitsap County Rifle and Revolver Club as a paying member. My membership with the club is lawful and my rights to enjoy that membership is a matter of constitutional right. Russ Hauge has abused his office in denying my rights without probable cause, without conducting an investigation without due process. Rather Russ Hauge has wrongly generalized any issues he has with KRRC as also pertaining to me. This is wrong and Mr. Hauge is in violation of his ethical obligations to insure his 'vendetta' against elements of KRRC do not harm third parties.

In fact, my use of the KRRC facilities are well within the parameters that Mr. Russ Hauge petitioned the court. There is no reason Mr. Hauge should penalized me without due process. 

Attached Files:

 I affirm that the information I am providing is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read Lawyer Discipline in Washington and I understand that the content of my grievance can be disclosed to the lawyer.