Furlined Industries, Inc.

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Hi and welcome to Furlined Industries. We at FI hope that the products you purchase give you the enjoyment and satisfaction that we feel we have engineered into each one of our products. There is a warm and comforting sense from using FI products. From the syrup pitcher to the Grill King…life only gets better when it's fur-lined.

We at FI only can wait to see what comes next in our product line. Our engineers and designers are hard at work building our new and innovative furlined products for the home. Once you make the switch to FI we're sure you'll stand with us and say, "Make mine FUR-LINED!!!"

Please look around the site and be sure to sign our guest book on the feedback page. Enjoy!

This website was designed only as part of a Web Publishing class project at the University of Cincinnati. No actual goods will be sold or purchased. For educational purposes only. Last updated 11/28/03.
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