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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions we are asked on a regular basis:- ? ?


I want to buy my children a computer, what do I need?
A: Educational software and games require considerably more computer resources than a normal office machine, so you need the biggest computer that you can afford.


What about all the specials I see in the newspapers, are they good machines?


It depends what you want the machine for and also, when buying a computer you need to make sure that you are comparing apples with apples. Specials usually quote a CPU speed, RAM size, Video RAM size,  and Hard Drive size. What is really important is the CPU family AND speed, RAM type AND size, Video Type (onboard or not) and size.


How can I tell if the software is licensed?
A: Software usually comes with certificates and documentation, check for these. If you are still in doubt, contact us and we'll help you sort it out.


Can I upgrade my current computer?


Yes, however, it depends on what you currently own. If you are not sure what you have, you can usually check in the windows control panel under the system icon. Double click that and it gives you a summary of what your system comprises of.


Do I need an antivirus program?
A: Yes, I would recommend that you have at least an antivirus program. It should also be kept up to date. If it is more than 1 month out of date, it is not worth running it as you are exposed to the newest viruses.


Do I need to buy an office program?


There are some good free packages that can be downloaded from the internet, so it is not necessary to purchase one. If you want the same office package that you have at work, then you will need to purchase one. It is not legal to copy the package you have at work.


Is the Internet a good thing to have in your home?


Yes, it is extremely useful. If you have children and they want to do research for a school project, the Internet makes it a lot faster to find up-to-date information. It is also used for keeping your antivirus programs up to date. You can converse with people over great distances for the cost of a local call if you use a peer to peer (P2P) software package like Netmeeting, ICQ, or Yahoo Messenger. Some of these work well with a webcam as well, so you can even see the person you are conversing with. A word of warning though, the internet has a lot of porn sites etc. but, In my view, no more than is available in print.


If there are any questions you would like to ask, please feel free to call us!