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The New Contract

Spirit Releasement

Healing Crystals


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Healing Crystals

       Daily use of these crystals can realign the subtle energy systems, including the very memory of genetic programming (the Kryon publications refer to the reprogramming and/or realignment of the DNA).
       Each set of two crystals has been charged with tacion energy. Tacion crystal energizing is accomplished by placing the crystals at lay lines between "O" fields and "L" fields on the earth for an extended period of time. This procedure automatically charges each crystal with the capacity of extending protection and grounding to their user.
       Energy channeled through these crystals is beneficial in meditation, visualization and relaxation. In addition, there is a general tonic energy effect for the user.
       Along with the set of two crystals, you will receive detailed material regarding the application of their use. You will also receive an affirmation instruction sheet with the exact architectural blueprint tones of soul sounds unique to you alone that can be used to facilitate the channeling of energy through these crystals.
       The following information is needed to construct the architectural blueprint tones of your soul sounds:
       Send your exact birth name. This consists of the first, middle and last name.

       Do not leave out one name because this is what the universe knows you as 
and this is your key to the akashic records. 

NOTE: if you were adopted, give the name you were given at that time. 

       For each set of two tacion energy charged crystals plus the instruction sheets, send a money order in the amount of $24.90 ($19.95 + $4.95 shipping and handling). Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Send to: 

P. Looney
P. O. Box 1584
Bellaire, TX 77402-1584