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Every now and again everyone needs some help and guidance.
Sometimes we feel we can not even ask our parents, or our closest friends. May be because we think they may not like us any more, or that they may not understand what we are talking about. Or you feel they may not be able to give you an answer.
Well read below what some of  the questions I have been asked to help with.
REMEMBER what ever the problem may be, it is always better to share it with someone.
Everything is kept strictly Confidential
From Cristal in England.

Dear Andrew. I am 13 years old and My boy friend is 16. we have been going out with each other now for 1 year. but last week he said he would leave me if we did not have sex together. I feel that I am not ready to have sex yet, but I do not want to loose him. Please can you tell me what I should do, as This is something that I can not ask my mother.

Dear Cristal.
In answer to your question, First of all you must remember that your boy friend would be breaking the law, if he did have sex with you.
By the sounds of your letter , you do love him, but I feel it would be wrong for you to have sex with him, just to keep him happy, and to keep him as a boy friend.
If he is forcing you to have sex with him, or he will leave you, then my advice would be to let him go.
No one should be forced in to anything especially sex, as you have said you are not ready yet, but there will be a time when you are, and I am sure you would want this to be with someone special.
So please hang on, I am sure there are plenty of other boys out there that would love to be with you.
Take care.
From Charlotte in California

Dear Andrew. I have a friend who thinks she is gods gift to men and I feel she is ruining my life. I am 15 and have four great friends and we all attend the same school and do stuff together.
The only problem is that one of them always has to be the best, and thinks everyone loves her.
She thinks if a man won't go out with her, none of us have a hope of attracting him. this makes me feel so down. can you help me please Andrew.

Dear Charlotte
You may not believe this, but it seems that this girl is even more insecure than you. This is why she continually tries to prove to everyone how great she is.
Instead of taking on every word and put down, concentrate on your own life and new friendships. I know that there are plenty of boys who would prefer your company to hers.
From Debbie in Holland

Dear Andrew. I am a 11 year old girl living in Holland, My father died when I was 7 years old and I have lived with my mother on our own since then, but there is is young teach who has started teaching my class at school, and I have fallen in love with him.
On our last day of school be fore we stopped for our summer vacation, we played a game called postman knock. Where we all took turns in our school room cupboard, by picking a number.
My teacher was the number I had picked and so we went in to the cupboard. I kissed him on the lips for what seemed to be a long time, and he was so gentle.
My teacher just carries on as if nothing ever happened.
But I know he has feelings for me.
I love him very much .
Please help me Andrew, what can I do?

Dear debbie
First of all it is nice to here that you get on with your teacher at school, it is not often that I hear this nowadays.
Yes I remember those games well. It is not uncommon for a  child to fall in love or have a crush on one of their school teachers. His job as a teacher is to see that you are well looked after and educated, and at times have some fun with his students.
I suggest that you speak to your teacher about this, and tell him how you feel.
The advice I feel I can also give you is to look for someone else around your own age, as I am sure deep down you know that what you are really looking for is a father figure, someone who can replace your father, and to love him as much as you did your own father.
Also speak to your mother, I am sure she will understand just how you are feeling.
Please let me know how you get on.
Take care Andrew