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Just for Kids
Hi there, and welcome to my site just for kids.
I put this site together, hoping that it will make life easier for you to get the information you want, through the links I have put together for you. 
I do hope that you will find this site helpful, and yet enjoyable.
Opposite are links to other sites of mine that I have on other subjects.
Each and every month I am adding more.
So please do keep coming back and tell your friends about this site.

Ever wanted to send a greeting card to a friend or a loved one, just to say thank you or I love you.
Well now you can
Listed below are links to these great sites
Why not make someone happy today
Love grams
Blue mountain
Cards for all
3D Greetings
Central cards
123 Greetings
Looney Tunes
Cards for fun

WARNING! Privacy Invasion WARNING!
Your boss is reading your email!!

Who is your favorite artist, If you are like me, you will like one for about a year, then change as a new artist comes onto the scene, but I must say this one group has kept me interested now for nearly two years.
Yes, you guest it, it's BOY ZONE.
Click on one of the links below for BOY ZONE and other great sites
David bowie
Atomic pop
The Backstreet Boys
The Rolling Stones
The ultimate band list
Ultimate band list
Check out one of the sites below for great audio files and sounds
The Midi Farm
Sound stuff
Whatever you want
Sounds and Images
Audio Galaxy
Movies and Audio
Daily Wave
Everyone from time to time, needs some help and advice, on a subject.
It might be something that you are afraid to ask your parents about.
Why not CLICK on the help button opposite,
and see some of the questions that have been sent in to me,
and the replies that they have been given.
you never know, one of the subjects could be similar to yours.
I hear you ask yourself, who is this person. Well why not visit my Home page. 
On my Home page you will see a photo of myself, and learn about my hobbies, and all about my other Interests. And what I do for a living.
So there is nothing above that interests you.
Well why not visit some of these other great sites
Baffled by geeky terms
your games site
Visit Dilbert
History of Pop
Arcade Games
Great Games for all
Society for the protection
of animals
Sort out you natural balance
with Feng Shui
Behind the viewfinder
Digital story teller
All you ever wanted to know
about Nature and Wildlife
Movie maker
Virtual pet
Pet Station
This site is a must.. ICQ
The shareware zone
Jokes, Games and other stuff
Web Cams

My Home Page
Learn more about me
My penpal site



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copyright 1999 by Andrew Dear
All rights reserved