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God Bless The Curb Girls

Ever wonder how those tiny, delicate creatures safely handled trays loaded with all the good holsum food ( hamburgers, hot dogs, corn dogs, fries, shakes,etc) that we used to eat. Used to, is right isn't it? Those gals worked their butts off, put up with us guy's remarks and done it all for mostly tips, which weren't much back then as I remember it. Here's to you, Carhops, past, present and hopefully future.

What was it about sitting in your car and trying to drink a coke and eat a hamburger, loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles and onions. Yes onions. Some of us had no mercy on our dates. Usually something slipped from between the bun or spilled from the cup and made a mess. There were the favorite places to hang out. In my town it was usually one of the Krystal's or A&W's that drew the biggest crowds, unless you lived at the beach, then it was definitely The Surf Maid. I lived about halfway between Jacksonville and the beaches, close enough to go to school at the beach and enjoy the beaches hangouts and still checkout the ones closer to town.

A typical Friday or Saturday night in 1958 at the SURF MAID in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Not everyone tried to eat in their car it seems. To the right of the canopy was a double row of covered parking for the ones who chose to dine ala auto or simply couldn't find a spot at a table.Man I miss the mess.


Surf Maid DinerNot all of the neat places to hang out with your girl required a car. Most local drug stores were equipted with soda fountains. Shakes, malts, sodas, cherry cokes, vanilla cokes and sundaes as well hamburgers, hot dogs and any other sandwich you might want. You'd be hard pressed to find that today.Ain't progress grand?

Photo taken in 1958 at a beaches drugstore.


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