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Supplements we recommend

These are quick links to the nutritional solution that interests you.
Essential Fatty Acids =clear and focussed thinking, immune system Nutritionals for adults=energy and rational Stressed? Depressed?=calm, and able to cope Nutritionals for children= rational, focusses, calm Amino Acids =clear thinking,immune system changes. Tired and run down? =natural energy and revitalise

Each underline and graphic is a link to a page that explains  fully the product, and how to order them in the USA which has 50% OFF SHIPPING FOR ALL ONLINE ORDERS through September 2000.To find out how to order in New Zealand, Australia, UK, Netherlands, Spain and Canada, click here.

Each ADHD person is very different and therefore we make no medical claims about these products.

We will say that they have helped some ADHD people but we recommend , if you think they may help you or someone in your family, you trial them for 2 months, and  notice if there are any differences. Also check with your doctor if you are taking medication.

We also only recommend these brands as these are the ones that have made a difference for some people, within our experience.. Ingredients can vary so much from different manufacturers even though the labels may look the same,  and so please go with these brands if you want to see if they may help.

If you wish to order online , you are in the USA and you want to buy wholesale,
write down this: ID: NZ0121217 password: adhdezine
go to and click on "shop" then enter the supplement you want in the search. At some point you will be required to put in the password and ID. Just fill in the box as if you were us, and carry on.
(Sorry it's so complicated, but we have no control over the site as we just get the product wholesale too. Tricia and Mike)

Essential Fatty Acids

The story:
Bill is 55 and an adult ADHD. All through Bill's schooling  he found it difficult to cope and up until two years ago was quite convinced that he was an academic failure.

He owns a heavy machinery contracting business, digging irrigation systems, and logging and he got very angry very fast with his customers.Because of this his business was small and he spent many hours on the phone ranting to his clients.

His ADHD son then told him about Optimum Omega which  was helping him. Steve had found essential fatty acids and convinced Bill to try them. We soon got a phone call.Bill wanted to tell us how excited he was about essential fatty acids and Optimum Omega which  has made such a difference in his life.He is better able to focus, is more rational, less angry and getting on better with his wife! He had added the adults multi nutrient from the same product range, called Lifepak to his daily intake and is feeling better than he has in 54 years! Ths is the supplement he took, called Optimum Omega

The research; "Striking results from a major ongoing research programme on Dyslexia. Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) show that  lipid (fat) supplementation can make a child less clumsy and more able to catch a ball within 12 weeks These findings are supported by observations from  leading UK medical research centres indicating unusual brain lipid biochemistry in people with Dyslexia.
Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and ADHD are closely associated. Some children have only one of these disorders but many have two or all three leading to problems, which are extremely distressing both for the child and his or her  parents. Such problems often lead to disruptive behaviour and school failure.

An abnormal EFA metabolism could explain the unusual preponderance of allergic and autoimmune problems in dyslexics and their relatives as EFAs can affect immune function.

The supplement:

Back copies of October and November ezines explore more about essential fatty acids. Click here to get into depth about how they can help ADHD people

Proper Nutrition
~ for the children

The story:
Our son has taken Jungamals Multi Nutrient since he was 12 and it has been amazing for him, especially through the teenage years, as he is now 16. He notices the difference too! (and so do we when he hasn't taken them!!!) He is more rational. getting better grades at school, does more outside school hours, and is happier. He doesn't get so much teenage rage!
The research
"SCIENTISTS HAVE TOLD us that PROPER NUTRITION is the key to PROPER FUNCTIONS of the brain and body.
Yet today, with our fast paced microwaveable-instant world, nutrition can be shockingly absent in the diet.  The effects of mild
to moderate nutritional deficiencies in children AND adults are documented to result in the indication of moderate to severe
attention, emotional, and behavioural abnormalities.
UNFORTUNATELY, the broad clinical presentation of these nutritional deficiency symptoms are very time consuming for a
health professional to identify, and are commonly OVERLOOKED during evaluations.  Many times this leads to the
administration of drugs and various chemical therapies for behaviour modification that can ‘mask’ the underlying
cause...nutritional deficiency symptoms. " An excerpt from the Christmas edition of the ezine which goes into quite some detail on nutrition.
The supplement
It is called Jungamals, Lifepak for children. It comes as a chewable tablet that tastes of cherries, with no artificial colour or flavour and we have found it to be the best.Click here to read more.The price is $US12.95 for 60 chewable tablets which is one months supply and is available through using the password adhdezine and the number NZ0121217

~for the adults
The story:
We take a product called Lifepak and we have recommended  it to many, many people. It makes a huge difference to us, and to many people we know. We can't talk enough about it! It is packed with nutrients and every time we read new research, we rush to the box to see if it is there ~ it is!This product has kept us going in tough times, given us energy,kept us healthy and we know we are getting all the nutrients we need. Tested against 200 other brands in1999 this is the product that came out on top.
The research:
Leading health experts recommend eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day for optimal health and longevity. Unfortunately, most of us don’t even come close to this recommendation. Fruits and vegetables  are packed with health-protecting nutrients, including a class of powerful antioxidant compounds called flavonoids. By eating the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, you might’ll generally consume 150, between 100 and 200 milligrams of health-protecting flavonoids.
The supplement:
Lifepak. If you’re in the majority who don't eat all those fruits and vegetables,,Lifepak –now with the addition of catechins –delivers 150 milligrams of cell-protecting flavonoids every day. Click here to read more.
The company will even do a comparison for you with other multis to see the differences,
 The price is $US57.95 for a months supply of 60 packets. and is available through using the password adhdezine and the number NZ0121217 once you have clicked on "shop".
There are several members of the Lifepak family, depending on your budget and needs. Click here to analyse them all

Amino Acids
Dr Chris Reading is a well-respected orthomolecular psychiatrist and consultant in Australia. He says, " the child
with ADHD is usually very metabolically disadvantaged with low vitamins, amino acids, minerals and a high level of toxic and heavy metals."
They may also have delayed reactions to food and chemical sensitivities as shown on the cytotoxic test, and often
immediate reactions to foods and inhalant allergens."
 "many have sever food and chemical sensitivities to cow's milk, gluten-containing grains, legumes and beans- all of which can cause severe malabsorption state and flat  gut villi and thus low vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
 Some ADHD people who need to eat massive amounts of protein to help them gain control.
The more we researched the more  we found the same thing, and we have become quite excited about it all.
There seems to be two amino acids that are often repeated as being essential.
Phenylaianine helps brighten mood, stimulate energy, and improve memory. To feel energetic and to have a good long-term memory, it's absolutely vital that you have  sufficient intake of phenylaianine.
Glutamine can also improve clarity of thought, and can increase alertness--probably because it helps produce glutainic acid,
 which neutralizes metabolic wastes in the brain. Some people ingest glutamine prior to events that require increased alertness.
 Click to go to the special page we made where you can read all the information we found
The supplement
Amino Build.Click on the box to read more.Amino build is the product that has those 2 amino acids in it!.It may be a missing link in your ADHD jigsaw!So check out the special page  and see what you think.It is incredible reading.
The price is $US30.95 for a canister in chocolate or vanilla.and is available through using the password adhdezine and the number NZ0121217 once you have clicked on "shop".

Feeling tired and a bit depressed
 It's not just the children who get tired and depressed! Bio St John's is the product we use and can tell you it makes a real difference to us within about 30 minutes.
Several well conducted studies have shown that children with ADHD are more likely than others to become depressed at some time during their development. In fact, the risk for developing depression is as much as 3 times greater than for other children.
A study recently published in the Journal of Affective Disorders (January 1998, 113-122) examined the course of depression in 76 children with ADHD in order to learn more about the relationship between ADHD and depression. The authors were especially interested in whether depression in children with ADHD represents an actual clinical depression, or whether it may be better understood as a kind of "demoralization" that can result from the day to day struggles that  children with ADHD often have. " an exerpt from the August ezine

The Supplement
Bio St John's  It's put out by a company called Pharmanex,It consists of a complementary combination of a standardized extract of the herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), together with Pharmanex's proprietary strain of the Chinese tonic Cordyceps sinensis,CordyMax Cs-4. CordyMax Cs-4 helps to reduce fatigue andpromote stamina and vitality while providing important protective and stabilizing benefits for numerous bodily systems.Click here to find out more specifically It costs $US27.95 for 120 capsules and and is available through using the password adhdezine and the number NZ0121217 once you have clicked on "shop".

Just plain tired!
Cordymax is the safe and natural pick me up, if you are the one coping with a ADHD person.
This 100% natural fingus is found in Tibet and has the ability to increase the oxygen absorption by up to 9%. This formula also invigourates and gives more energy. and is also prized for its ability to promote vitality and stamina.The cost is $US24.95 for 120 capsules. Click on the box for more information.It costs 24.95  for 120 capsules and and is available through using the password adhdezine and the number NZ0121217 once you have clicked on "shop".
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