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Episode 9, "Everyone's Afraid of
The Infamous Slade I"


Previously, on Friends and Foes:

Jeff was alive but thought to be dead in the Morgue

Stephanie’s rapist, Max, got away

Taylor made amends with Devin and Stephanie

Alex found out Tristan and Brandi’s plot and told Devin and Stephanie

Tristan kidnapped Taylor


Taylor sits, bloody and bruised in a dark, musty room that is unknown, but appears to be located in an abandoned warehouse. Tristan paces around the room, a knife in hand, mumbling to himself.

"Why are you doing this?" Taylor whimpers. Tristan glares at Taylor in rage.

"Why… Why? WHY?!" Tristan yells psychotically. "Because Brandi paid me a million dollars, that’s why! You and your teeny-bopper friends are so thick! You haven’t figured it out yet? Brandi was found not guilty for the bombing and trying to kill Alex. She paid me and Stephanie money to kill you, Alex, Devin, and Jeff! Jeff is already dead, Devin and Alex are going to die within one hour, Stephanie bailed because she loved Devin too much, so now she’s going to die, and you, well, you’re as good as dead."




Nicholas Brendon as Alex

James Van Der Beek as Jeff

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin

Guest Starring:

Sara Michelle Gellar as Brandi

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie

Jared Leto as Tristan

Seth Green as Max (Stephanie's Rapist)

Coming Soon:

Larisa Oleynik

Claire Danes


Taylor bursts out in tears.

"You sick freak…" Taylor whimpers. The events in his life had taken a sharp and drastic turn. Everything was headed for the worst. The death of his best friend, the whole Stephanie/ Devin ordeal, and his own foretold death. (Superior Acting: Jonathon Taylor Thomas)

Tristan merely laughs. It is too late to turn back. Taylor has to die. Tristan lifts the knife and approaches Taylor, who’s tears turn to a terrified gasp.

Suddenly, Taylor’s leg comes free from the rope around the base of the chair and Taylor kicks Tristan square to the stomach. Tristan gets the wind knocked out of him, but he quickly retaliates and charges Taylor.

Taylor stands up, swings around and knocks Tristan down with the chair. With tears streaming out of his eyes, Taylor begins to hop toward the exit, oblivious of how to escape his snare.

Behind him, Tristan rises, slowly progressing through Taylor, who has forgotten about Tristan and is full set on the door to the exit.

Tristan slowly walks toward him, the knife in his hand. Taylor hears Tristan behind him, his eyes go wide, and Tristan stabs Taylor in the back. Taylor’s eyes roll back in his head and he drops to the floor. Tristan only smiles.


"I can’t reach Taylor!" Alex yells, sitting in his wheelchair in frustration, slamming the phone down.

"Where could he be?" Devin moans, afraid for Taylor’s life with his new found knowledge. "I treated him so bad. I should of known Taylor didn’t mean harm to Stephanie."

"It’s ok. I’m sure Taylor’s fine." Stephanie reassures Devin. She has to somehow cover-up her involvement, and now that she’s out of it, she doesn’t want anyone to ever know anything about it.

"No! It’s not ok. If Taylor dies without me apologizing or telling him I know he didn’t do it and he was right, I will never forgive myself!" Devin cries.


Outside, the man with the SCREAM mask and costume on gazes into Devin’s house, watching their every move. Nightfall sweeps over Pine Valley as Alex, Devin, and Stephanie try to reach Taylor to warn him. The man circles the house, trying to hear what they are saying better, so he can make his final move.


Tristan is driving psychotically down the street, gun in hand, glare in eyes. Someone is in the car with him, though we can’t tell who.


"Where is Taylor?!" Devin starts to freak.

"Taylor is dead…" A voice says. Devin, Alex, and Stephanie look over to see the man with the SCREAM mask.

"What the? Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Devin screams at this pervert.

"You can call me Slade, and I’m here to kill you." Slade says, as he brandishes a large knife. Devin, Alex, and Stephanie gasp and step back.

"Taylor…Taylor’s dead?" Devin gasps for air, tears trickling down his cheeks. (Superior Acting: Leonardo DiCaprio)

"That’s right. We killed him, that is Tristan, and I." Slade says. "We also killed Jeff, and now it’s your turn." Slade threatens.

"Brandi! No!" Alex surprisingly yells. Is it true? Is this Slade character really Brandi?

"Good guess." Slade says. "But not quite." Slade reaches for his neck and tears his mask off.

Alex and Devin gasp. Even Stephanie is surprised.


Tristan and the other person are sitting in a car, driving down an abandoned street toward Devin’s house.

"Are you ready to kill them?" Tristan asks, nervous.

"Yes." The other replies. The two both laugh maniacally.



Next Week, On Friends and Foes:

The Season Finale!

Someone you love…is going to be a hero

Someone you love…is going to discover his fate

And Someone you love…is going to die

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