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Episode 47, "2 Men and a Baby"


* Alex ran into Ross, a homosexual, at a coffee shop. Ross, in sexual pursuit of Alex, gave him his number.

* Candice's mother was terribly ill in Oklahoma, and her family is demanding that she go to Oklahoma and take care of her mom.

* Amber came out of the hospital, still very weak and uncoordinated. The Doctor recommended to Taylor that she get a lot of bed rest.

* Devin overheard an emotional conversation that Candice had with her Aunt, where Candice realized she had to do something to save her mother, and FAST.


Alex is making a sandwich for his lunch, as Taylor casually walks into the door.

"Hey Alex." Taylor says, throwing his book bag on the couch and sitting at the bar where Alex is making his lunch.

"Wow," Alex jokes, "You'd think you still live here, considering how you just barge in and all."

The two friends laugh, Taylor giving Alex a playful punch in the arm.

"So what's up?" Alex asks, throwing Taylor a Coke and one of his sandwiches.

"Well, Amber just got out of the hospital yesterday, and I wanted to take her out tonight, for a night on the town, you know? God knows she needs it. Anyway, I was just wondering if you and Candice could babysit for Al Junior?"

Alex laughs. He's still new to the idea of Taylor's son being named after him. "Sure, I can hang out and watch him. Candice is working though. She's had this part time job doing Data Entry for Staff Pro."

"That's cool!" Taylor says, "Hey thanks man for doing this for me. Just show up at about 7:00 tonight, ok?"

Alex winks. "You got it."

As Taylor walks out of the dorm room, Alex reaches into his pocket and pulls out the napkin with Ross' phone number on it. He shrugs and picks up the phone.

"Hello, Ross? Hey it's Alex! What's up? Cool. Hey man, listen, I am babysitting for my friend tonight and was wondering if you wanted to come and keep me company, hang out some?"


Devin is sitting in Taylor's living room with Taylor, while Amber is taking a nap in the bedroom with the baby. Taylor looks concerned with what Devin is telling him.

"And so I just overheard what she was saying. Her mom is really sick in Oklahoma, I guess, and her family wants her to leave Alex and school and her life here in L.A. to go take care of her mom." Devin explains, while Taylor hangs on every word.

"So why can't Candice's family take care of her mom? Is it too much to ask or something?" Taylor questions, angered at the idea.

"That's what Candice mentioned on the phone to her Aunt," Devin explains. "I guess no one in the family wants to take the time out of their lives or take the responsibility. So they've just left Candice's mom to rot, and now they're dragging Candice down with her mom."

"Alright," Taylor says, "Well I am going to talk to Alex and Candice about it tomorrow. For now, I just want Amber to have a good time tonight and not have to deal with any drama."

"OK," Devin says, "But you'll definately talk to them about it tomorrow, right?"

"Of course."


"OK babe, I'm off to go babysit Al. I will see you later tonight, ok? Have fun at work!" Alex says. Candice smiles and they share a sweet, heart-felt, and loving kiss.

Alex smiles. "Ok, see you later."

He shuts the door behind him, and Candice feels a brief moment of happiness. He is all she ever asked for, a loving caring man with no agendas or affairs. Her happy gaze is broken by the annoying ring of the telephone.

Candice catches her breathe. Rolling her eyes, she picks up the phone. "Hello?"

"Candice, it's Aunt Lori."

"Listen, you b*tch. I told you I don't want to speak to you anymore, understand?" Candice, infuriated, is about to hang up the phone.

"NO! Candice, wait!" Lori screams.

Candice hesitates, unsure of whether or not to give Lori a chance. "What?!"

"There have been some developments with your mother. Candice I want you to sit down while I tell you this." Lori explains.

"Don't patronize me, Lori! Just get on with it!"

Lori's loud sigh is heard on the other end. "Your mother is dying, Candice. The doctor's have given her a week unless we can raise the money for her operation. THAT is why we need you to come down here!"

"You're a lying SNAKE, Aunt Lori! You always have, and you always will be a lying snake!" Candice screams emotionally. She wants to dismiss it, to ignore it, pretend like it wasn't true...but she knew it was.

"Honey," Lori pleads, "the rest of us simply can't raise it ourselves. We need your help!"

"What the hell am I supposed to do?!" Candice yells, frustrated, "I... I've just been fired from my job!"

An awkward silence as this new revelation is unmasked. Lori is near speechless. Candice knows her Aunt is disappointed, and is tongue-tied.

"You...Candice, you have to do something...and FAST! We need money to save your mother, and we need it within a week."

Candice, in a depressed calm, slowly hangs up the phone, her hand trembling in anxiety. Her mascara has run down her face, making her an utter mess. She tugs at her hair in search of a resolution. She's been fired from her job, and she is flat broke. And there is NO WAY she is going to go to Alex for money.

Candice, whimpering in sadness, murmurs. "I know what I have to do."


Taylor and Amber have gone out for the evening, and Alex is sitting on the couch with Ross, who has just arrived. They are sharing a bowl of popcorn while watching the DVD, as the baby lays in its pen next to them, sleeping quietly.

Alex and Ross have engaged in a conversation of sorts, but again, Alex can feel that heated tension between Ross and him. Alex feels uncomfortable about it, and knows there is something different happening. However, its a positive discomfort. Even Alex is confused at this...even somewhat aroused. He shakes the thought out of his head.

Ross feels the tension too...the sexuality. "Straight, or no," Ross thinks to himself, "I'm going to have Alex very soon."

Alex notices Ross' foot playfully edging towards his own. He even notices Ross' hand moving slowly in his direction the couch. He feels uncomfortable, but his curiousity and the tension in the air prevent him from stopping it.

The words between the two have become completely meaningless, just nonsense being thrown about between the two. All either of them can think about is the hot, sexual tension in the air. An idea that confuses Alex very much, but an idea that has Ross very aroused and in full force.

Ross says something meaningless, a joke, and slaps his hand on Alex's thigh flirtatiously, as if it meant nothing. He slowly and conspicuously runs his hand slightly up Alex's thigh.

Alex sees it. And he knows whats happening. And for some odd reason, he doesn't stop it.

"If it's the last thing I do," Ross thinks to himself, "I will have this straight boy in bed with me. And he'll like it. Girlfriend, or no!"


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