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Episode 46, "A Day To Remember"


* Candice got a phone call from her Aunt Lori in Oklahoma and was told that her mother was extremely ill. Candice might have to help.

* Devin took care of some details for his transferring to USC to live in L.A. with Alex and Taylor.

* Taylor visited Amber, now comatose, in the hospital, begged her to get well, and prayed to God for her well being.

* In psychology class, Alex met a young man his age named Ross. Ross, a closeted homosexual, expressed his lust for Alex.


The day is young as Alex takes a seat in the quiet coffee shop with his Javanilla in his hands. He sighs, relieved for some reason that the hard times are behind him. He smiles, takes a sip of his ice-drink, and glances down at the newspaper in his hands.

The jazz music being played softly in the background seems to amplify as Ross walks in the door. The young man is handsome, extremely attractive, and has a youthful glow about him that grabs attention from others. But all of his focus is on the man he sees sitting at a coffee table alone.

Almost mischieveously, Ross approaches Alex. "Hey there, buddy!"

Alex looks up. "Oh, hey Ross. Take a seat, man."

"Don't mind if I do!" Ross jokes as he sits across from Alex.

Alex is confused...Ross is just another guy friend he met in class. But there is something different...some sort of tension in the air between them that makes Alex feel slightly uncomfortable. "So whats up? Where you headed?"

"Actually, I've got class. I just stopped by for some cancer-in-a-cup. You?"

Alex smiles, "I'm here every morning. No class right now. Just the afternoon psych class."

"Cool man," Ross smiles, secretly lusting Alex's cute smile and adorable body, "I guess I'll see you then...oh here, before I forget..."

Ross reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pen. He bends over and writes his phone number on a napkin. "Here's my number, call it anytime, bro."

Alex smiles. He likes this guy Ross. He's pretty cool. "Will do! See you later guy."

Ross winks at Alex lustfully, and then turns around and walks out. Alex feels that tension again, but puts it aside and turns back to his paper.


Candice is sitting up in bed. Alex has gone out for the morning, probably for coffee as usual. But Candice's eyes are tired and red. She hasn't slept a wink all night. She bites her fingers violently, her hands mildly shaking, her heart beating faster than usual.

"What am I going to do?" Candice thinks to herself. "My mother has been sick for years with this disease...but it's never been this bad. And I know I can't rely on my b@st@rd family to help her. They've never helped her, and I've always been the one there for her."

She wipes a rolling tear from her face. "But I've started my own life here in California, and Alex and I are so in love. I can't just give it up because my selfish family won't take care of my mother...God what am I going to do?"


Taylor runs into the hospital lobby where a doctor is standing there waiting for him, tapping his foot impatiently, as if he doesn't care.

"Dr. Gibbs! Thank God, I just got your message. I heard the news! Can I see her?"

Dr Gibbs smiles impatiently. "Follow me Mr. Brookdale."

The doctor leads Taylor into another wing of the hospital, where two nurses are tending to Amber, who is sitting in a wheel chair.

"Oh, thank God you're OK!" Taylor exclaims as he runs to Amber and hugs her, as she sits in her wheelchair.

"It's so good to see you," Amber whispers, her voice hoarse and weak, "It feels like a lifetime, like 20 years has passed by. I love you so much!"

Taylor kisses her, then turns to Dr. Gibbs. "Thank you so much!"

"Taylor, before I release Amber to you, you need to know she is very weak as of the moment and unstable. The best thing for her is bed rest and tender loving care. She should be out of that wheel-chair and fully operating again in about a week, if things go as planned."

"Got it," Taylor nods, "Bed rest and love. I can do that."

He looks at Amber again, smiles lovingly as he gazes in her eyes. She smiles back, and Taylor thanks God she's alive.


Devin opens the front door to the dorm room, a mischevious grin painted across his face. He is excited to surprise Alex and Taylor with his early arrival to L.A. from San Diego. He sneaks into the apartment, softly shutting the door behind him and venturing to find Alex.

He hears someone talking, laughs to himself, and sneaks down the hallway of the dorm room towards the voice. In the bedroom he here's Candice talking. With a grin, he leans forward to listen to what she is saying to, most likely, Alex.

But to Devin's surprise, Candice is on the phone...crying. Concerned, he listens in more closely to find out what's going on.

"What do you mean, INSUFFICIENT FUNDS, Lori? My mother is not an ATM Card! You're her sister, why can't you pay it?" An awkward pause, "BECAUSE! I have started a life here in L.A.! I know my mother is sick and I love her very much, but you can't expect me to...OH SHUT UP, Lori! The whole family is there, sitting on their asses instead of paying her medical fee, and you guys expect me to move out there to pay the bill and take care of her, while you sit back and live your lives? Well I am sorry, I can't do that!"

In tears, Candice screams in anguish, hanging up the phone and throwing it across the room. She collapses, her head buried in her hands, as she sobs, torn between a heart-breaking decision. Leave Alex, school, and her life in L.A to go take care of her mother...or stay and let her mother die...she knows she must go, and she knows she must raise some money fast to do it.

Devin, uncomfortable and saddened, leaves the dorm room, hoping to come back later.

Candice wipes the tears in her face. "I've got to do something...and FAST."


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