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The Legend Of The Dreamcatcher

Many Nations have laid claim to the origin of the dreamcatcher, but here is but one of the many opinions/legands

The circle was made of willow branches
It was tied in a circle shape
because that is the way of life ...
a circle,  a Sacred Hoop.
Never ending.
You go from one lesson into another,
and from one life to another.

The web is like that of Spider.
It represents the web of Life,
all entangled,
but with pattern and purpose.
When studied you will see that for one piece of the web to become dis-entangled
it would unravel the whole dreamcatcher.  So, it is with life. Entanglements are necessary, in the process of the whole.

The Dreamcatcher is place above the head of a sleeping person.
And as the night grows, the Dreamcatcher captures all the dreams and thought of the night.
Through the small hole in the middle, the good dreams are allowed to flow, leaving the negative ones trapped in the web.
The good thoughts and dreams flow down the beads, sliding over the feathers to the Dreamer below.



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