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THE NEW!!S K Y W A T C H E R S!!!!

Is it true?? Where's the proof??


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    Dimension Jumpers

    Email: cwbti16@yahoo.com


    Finally OPEN! The new SkyWatchers site. I know, it's not much of an improvment, but hey,I'm working on it. Right now, I am concentrating on a memorial for the BTVS cast and crew, please, please, check it out. BTVS Writer's Challenge. But rest assured that I will have more pictures and sightings up and running sooN!



    Well guess what folks! We've got som BIG news this this time! That's right some real big news! I've gotten from relyable sources that there are quite a few asteroids of great size that are headed our way within the next 40 years. Tons of them. Some at this very moment are passing as near-hits to Earth. The largest that is talked about so far is over 25 miles wide! Scary huh? However, the government not long ago was landing some of their 'probes' on one of these large asteroids that is presumed to try and hit earth. Oh come on guys! We all know that you just went ahead and put the bombs on it anyways~! Why LIE!!?? It's not like we dont know. Geez, the government sure can be idiotic when it wants. Well, I have tons more info PLUS an active design to watch if you would like to look at it, just contact me at cwbti16@yahoo.com or in2newok@yahoo.com. Later all!

    Ok, here I am again. Guess what? We've got some new beautiful pictures. That's right! The government is actually LOOKING now! arg, you just wanna hit these people. Anyways, Mars was the closest to earth a few days ago and Hubble got some kickass beautiful pictures of it. If you wanna see them, simply go to Space.com and check them out. I put one up as my wallpaper they are so pretty. Also, I know it's not really space relivant, but I have a new story series I'm writing coming out that I'm gonna link up to this site. Check it out when I get it up. Besides that not much news. Let me know if you get any info. OH! Wait! One more thing. Ok, my father has an online radio program at night. I'm gonna be the guest on it tomorrow night. If you want to hear it simply go to radiodestiny.com and download the listener. Then a menu thing will pop up. Look for something that had Beta and 3 in it. Click that then scroll down and look for Infinity Radio. That's us. We will be on at 9:00 pm, Central USA time. :) Listen for us!
    Alright, news update. Nasa and the government have come to an agreement and are launching a new thing to blow up an astroid with some special satelite thing. Ok, now why would you want to blow up an asteroid pray tell? HELLO! They are obviously expecting something soon. They are testing out this shit so that we will be ready for whatever is to come. Pack your bags kids, we're movin to Mars!

    It's still there, 2028.......So you have heard the news? We are going to grab an asteroid! Well, peices of it! So, hey, when one comes and hits us right on the ass at least we can say we deservedsomething! Yeah,yeah, study it while you can! It ain't gonna help you!

    And now in other news, not much happening in the skys....or is there? After the arial footage uncovering over Area 51, sceptics are asking why now? Why give us the info you tried to hide so well. I'm thinking that they are just trying to throw us off the scent. Moving the evidence of alien life is not going to deture us from asking questions about just where the hell you hid it!

    So, here we stand, uncovering so many things with so many behind and in front of us. And why? Why is everything is starting to open up to us now? Why are they trying to give us more and more knowlege? Give me a line and tell me what you think their motive is? Are they trying to ready us for some upcoming cosmic event? Is our time almost up and they figured, hey, why not just tell them? Are they just sick of our questions? Or is something much bigger sticking a bug up our governments' asses? You tell me.

    Here it is!

    Ok, so I don't have any new millinium thoughts....I just woke up people! Send em in so I can post them. Everyone counts!

    !!!NEWS UPDATE!!! 2000

    Hey, did you all hear? We finally got off our lazy ass duffs and started working out brains!!! I know that it hurts, but if you use it more often, the wheels won't be so rusty. That's right! Our government has proven themselves to have an actually working human brain! And here we all thought they were simple test-tube chimps going *sqeak!* HUH! Well, this certainly turns things. My personal unnamable sources say that we have finally reached out and tried to pass the speed of light! And guess what folks?! WE DID IT!

    That's right, we finally did it. The NASA space center has found a way to press the flashing of a light past itself!! AH! Three times the actually speed of light actually. Using this new info, we can predict that if we change it over to fuel from light, we will be able to reach Alpha Centuri, that's right....in only 4 and a quarter days!!!!! Imagine that.

    Also in the news racket, eight new planets of various sizes have been discovered in the Alpha Centuri sector that just may be inhabited. The Space Exploration Society has found that all eight of these planets is in fact more than likely inhabitable by the human species! Once our resources run low here, I guess all we have to do is go strip mine another planet!!! UH! Seriously though, this may be a chance for us to start over new. By trying out one of these planets that is not inhabited or making peaceful contact with them, it may be possible for us to start out a new clean society. Can you imagine the air! It must be amazing to walk around and be able to breathe air in deep without having to cough out the industrial waste of out pollution. Evolve, DAMN IT!!

    Yet another news update!!!!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT! That's right, we've found a planet supposedly just alike earth. I can't recall the name off-hand, but the Discovery Channel has announced not too long ago about the discovery of one besides alpha centauri....and we think there may be life. In being able to reach this planet and reach out to new life, we may just be able to preserve our own! Isn't that cool! For more info, visit...www.discoverychannel.com I think that's the addy. If not, just subtract the channel part. That should work,then.

    Ok, now in my opinion. Personally, I think that we have already been there. No not a millon years ago or nor did we come from there. Maybe, but not in this theory. I think that we have people that have for a few years been going there to communicate and compromise for an area to inhabit. The people already inhabiting the planets around there are probably commuting with our government right now. There IS life out there. There has to be. How the hell else do you explain us? Oh, come on people. Your god wouldn't just create one planet of people in an entire universe out of one of the universes in all the dimensions!!! COME ON! Seriously! What would be the freakin point!??!?!?! Sorry, I had a Contact moment there....go jodie!...hheheh.....My newly expanded site should be up tomorrow. I have taken on a new partner....my dad....shut up.....and he is helping me to set up the rest. He has lots of resources that I couldn't find cause I'm too damned lazy.

    Ok, anyways, I think that we have already established contact and finally come to an agreement, that is why just now, all this stuff it coming out. Now, in my lifetime, I probably will never leave this planet however much I crave to get away from this insanity of life, but someday, someone will, someone who will remember me and for me they will come back and tell the world how much there is out there and just how great it is. Only then will humanity have true hope!




    I would like to thank everyone who has visited this site and made it possible for me to help others voice their opinion.
    Myself.....just kidding! MY dad, for his resources. Angelfire...for the free site and advertizing help addme.com for the search engine submissions I needed Buffy, the TV show.....cause it's cooL!@ hehe and of course, YOU, the people who visit my site. Without you, I wouldn't have a site! BIG KISS. hehehe, if your a girl, will you settle for a friendly hug? hehehehehehe.