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From Danger C.

I had an experience with my cousin once. We were outside at night checking out the stars and we saw this triangle shape moving in the sky. It went fast and we were not exactly what it was. It made circles and various other shapes. She snapped a photo of it, but it turned out pretty crappy because it had been moving. We still aren't sure what it was to this day.

From Anya D.

I was at school and I got pulled into a room from class and they told me I could get on the internet and do whatever for a mind you this was in the middle of class and they are saying I can do whatever. So, I'm like ok well, then I am just not going to get to my SkyWatchers site and let them get the upper hand. So, I did e-mail and school work and there was this big mirror behind me leading ot the copy room, I think it was a two way. And I think that they are onto me. They pulled only a few other people out of class to do that, and i know most of them, they help me on my page with letters. Weird,huh? I thought so.

From Jade J.

My friend and I were out one night checking out some stars and we saw this orange light glowing inthe distance. At first we asssumed it was a plane, but as it grew closer, we realized it moved to fast, it went high above and over us, then vanished.

From Bryan S.

Bryan sent me this story through e-mail. Thank you Bryan you are the first outside story and I am proud to place this on my page. Keep Believing!

I went on a road trip with my friends' family to vegas, and on the way we stopped here or there, you know, the usual places...carlsbad, the grand canyon...but on the trip i had 2! wierd, unexplained phenomenon happen...the first was while we were going to the caverns from that town (carlsbad i think?) to the caverns across the desert...i had one of those panoramic cameras and was taking pics of the sunset...well it just so happens that i saw something in the distance SCREAMING across the i took a picture of it...the picture is about 7 inches long, but the silvery streak that the "object" left was about 1 1/2"!! anything going that fast must be top secret or other than human!! keep in mind that a camera shutter closes in 1/32 of a second!! The second thing that happened was in arizona at night going to flagstaff...we were in the painted desert i think...well there was this big mountain off in the distance...and above it was this little white light...i did not think anything of it but i just sat there for a few hours watching after i saw it start to was going in a perfect equilateral triangle pattern...and then after a little bit it just took off really fast!!

Hi Anya- I saw your story on the "Hauck Report" that I get via e-mail I normally don't read all of it but your story caught my eye. Our neighborhood is also built on an old sugar plantation so there is defiantley potential for hauntings, I've heard of several in our area. I do paranormal investigations and have been involved with spirits for as long as I can remember. I just loved your story because it sounded like mine, almost every house I've lived in I've had spirit contacts. This guy just usually watches me but I don't feel bad when he is around or anything. I hear him sometimes playing with my dogs and calling them by name, at first I had always thought it was my husband but then when my husband wasn't home then I knew it was him. We are fairly young I'm 27 and my husband just turned 30. The guys voice does sound like a young man/teenager. I do think he is from the 1970's or early 80's. I guess there are several possibities of who he might be, I grew up in this area and I seem to remember a boy falling off a back of a truck when I was little in this area and dying. There have also been several wrecks at the nearby intersection. Also for all I know he could have died here while they were building our house, this was a model home in the early 70's actually this house was built the same year I was born. I just wasn't sure how to go about searching for deaths in a certain area. I've asked some of the police and stuff but no one seems to remember. I've included my web page address I haven't updated in a while but it does have some neat pictures etc.
Blessed Be!
This area is near Houston, in case you want to know people!
people, check this site out. These are some great pictures of spirits and flying entities!