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Home to ~Lady Karen of the Wamphryie

~Seeking refuge from the night and the things you have seen on your journey through my home dare to venture into one of the tall structures standing on the barren plain....cold and alone you stand in the darkness, fear is your companion as your senses struggle to discern your situation~

~soft voice emerges from the darkness of the shadows of the doorway of ~Wraithstack~ whispering silken against your senses~

Good Evening....Please enter my home and take refuge from the night for a short time or longer if you wish. All that enter here are welcome however there are ground rules...~softly laughing~ No silver, no keblash or as you might say garlic and never lie...harrass none that dwell within my home and you will be safe. As you humans say, hell hath no fury like that of a woman....well I temper that to my own needs and say Hades hath no fury like a Wamphryie who has been deceived by one once she trusted. Mind your manners and your steps and I am sure you will enjoy your stay in ~Wraithstack~.

~from the shadows steps a tall pale woman with eyes that sparkle with a crimson fire from within~

I am unaccustomed to receiving guests....tis indeed a splendid change of pace for me. For you if you are unfamiliar with my race....We are WAMPHRYIE. Some many people tend to confuse the line between me and mine and a common vampire....~low soft laugh~ Wamphryie are the font of all vampiric activity in your world and mine. Our talents are vast and varied. Amoungst our numbers your will find Necromancers, shape shifters, thought thieves, creators of creatures that befuddle the simple human mind and warriors unparalleled to anything you have known in your worst nightmares.

As for me ~smiling and drawing closer to you~ I tend to disagree oft with the other Lords and Ladies of my kind. While we all thirst for the same blood of life, I do not feel the need to kill for the thrill of the hunt.~slipping a cool pale hand into yours and leading you up the stairs of Wraithstack~. You will find my human tendancies are still quite near to my surface. Make no mistake....I am WAMPHRYIE and raise my ire....cross me....or simply displease me and you will see the anger that comes from within.

Please feel free to explore my home....I will try to be adding to it daily. Tis a process of creation in progress....and I hope you will accompany me on my journey of establishing a home on the net.

~laughing softly and gesturing towards my pet~ Tis just one of the many creations/pets that have emerged from my vats in the bowels of ~Wraithstack~...twas once one such as you...wandered into my life unaware...only to disappoint now he guards and watches. ~walking over and stroking his hide whispering softly to him as he curls back up in his place by the doors~

Song is-"Dust in the Wind"

Welcome into my world

My favorite Places to Linger online
A bit about the character ~Lady Karen of the Wamphryie
My Cyber Family
Words from my heart - My Poems
Through the blind girl's eyes - A poem
The Magic Book - A poem
Amulets, charms, spells! - freeform
Welcome to the world of WICCA
The first of my pages of Legendary creatures
Egyptian Gods and a link to the Egyptian Book of the Dead
More Links to come with each day...hopefully ~S~
