Sweet Accents FAQs
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Sweet Accents FAQs

Are the wrappers glossy?
Yes, because we want to give our customers the BEST of QUALITY, starting October 1, 2000 all our wrappers will be glossy unless otherwise requested and shipped orders will be wrappers only.
*Because of this change and the volume of orders we have been receiving our prices have changed slightly. The prices are as follows: (please note the changes from the prices in our previous brochures) Thank you!

What other ideas do you offer for wrappers?
We have many NEW "SWEET" ideas to offer...
What type of candy do the wrappers fit?
We use assorted miniature .56 oz. candy bars, snack size bars, 1.55 oz. regular milk chocolate candy bars, the 7oz. gift sized bars and Gourmet Chocolate Squares (plain milk chocolate or mint chocolate).
When should I place an order?
We recommend at least 4 weeks. I have recently upgraded to full time kindergarten teacher. This means that at certain times of the year I may have other teaching commitments that will keep me from completing an order so please inquire if you are in a hurry. In some cases we are able to meet your immediate needs from seven to ten days plus two to three days for shipping and handling. In the case of birth announcements, we will send them out within 24 hours if possible . Please contact us for all the details.
Which shipping carrier will be used and what are the shipping costs?
We ship Priority Mail. The shipping cost for MINIATURE candy wrapper orders is $4.50 for all orders totaling up to $49 or 10% of the total order when the total due is $50 or more. A table of shipping costs for REGULAR sized bars is shown below. The shipping cost for each individual GIFT sized bar is $3.50.

# of bars Amount # of bars Amount
20 $4.50 220 $24.50
40 $6.50 240 $26.50
60 $9.50 260 $28.50
80 $11.50 280 $30.50
100 $13.50 300 $32.50
120 $14.50 320 $34.50
140 $16.50 340 $36.50
160 $18.50 360 $38.50
180 $20.50 380 $40.50
200 $22.50 400 $42.50

Is there an additional charge for a custom design?
No. Most of our customers tell us their idea and we work with them by adding our graphics. We will design the label to your request for no additional charge.
Will you send samples upon request at no charge?
Yes, we would love to send you samples of our designs or we would love to create a design for you! Please note that most of the samples will be nonglossy. The final product will of highest quality and glossy!
Can I include a picture on the candy bar?
Yes. you may either e-mail a picture using the Word Pad program or send a picture by mail. There is a small additional fee of $5.00 for each photogragh scanned. For all professional photographs we must have WRITTEN PERMISSION from the photographer before we can scan them on to the custom label. Thank you!!
Can I pick different colors from the samples?
Yes. We will try to match a color you request or we will try to match a sample you have sent us.
How do I place an order?
You can call to place an order or write/e-mail an order. We do prefer the order written or e-mailed. This eliminates typing errors since we would have it in a hard copy.
What color of paper can I use?
We have many choices:

How do I pay for the candy wrappers?
We accept check or money orders in US funds only. Once you place the order, we will notify you with the total amount. Please send the check, and we will ship the candy wrappers within 24 hours from the receipt of the payment or the time allowed to complete your order. We also accept Visa or Mastercard through the PayPal service.
I accept payment through X.com's PayPal!

Can I order labels only?
Yes. We suggest ordering this way if you live in a warm climate. If you choose to order labels only (without bars) our regular sized labels will fit the following candy bars: Hershey Bars and Nestle's Crunch. These are candy bars that are first wrapped in foil and then have a paper label. Our label fits directly over their labels. The miniature labels fit the Hershey miniature bars and the gift sized labels fit most 7oz flat bars.
Is there a price difference if I request nonglossy wrappers?
No, the choice is completely up to you, but the price remains the same.

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