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Specimen collected Guyana, Property of the photographer Jared LeClercq. OPEFE USE ONLYWELCOME TO OPEFE ARCHIVES



Pristobrycon aureus

Spix [J. B. von] & Agassiz [L.] 1829:72, Pl. 29 [Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annos MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I.... colleget et pingendso curavit Dr J. B. de Spix....

Current status: Valid as Pristobrycon aureus (Spix & Agassiz 1829).








Not seen in the aquarium hobby and if it is available, it is likely easily misidentified. They share some common characteristics like most Pristobrycon. Should the species become readily available, I would suggest keeping them solitary as they are fin biters. Food requirements would likely not differ much from S. eigenmanni. As more information becomes available I will update accordingly.


Found in the equatorial lakes and rivers of Brazil and Guyana. Also reported in Uruguay and Paraguay rivers.  No types known to science. There are problems with this species. It was made a synonym of S. eigenmanni by other authorities. What this means is, this may be a another species that falls into the Serrulatus-Humeralis description problem fish. This is a common problem when reviewing this genus and how it was placed by previous (historical) and current systematizing. Is it a valid species? According to present literature it is, but I remain doubtful. More work by Systematician is required when it comes to genus Pristobrycon, particularly with this one, S. eigenmanni, P. striolatus, and S. serrulatus.



Spix, Johann Baptist von, 1781-1826; Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873; Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von, 1794-1868

Pristobrycon aureus Steven Eheler OPEFE Use only Pristobrycon aureus Steven Eheler OPEFE Use only Pristobrycon aureus Photo credit:Steven Eheler OPEFE USE ONLY

Jégu, Michel., Dos Santos, Geraldo Mendes., Cybium 2001, 25(2): 119-143. Mise Au Point À Propos de Serrasalmus spilopleura Kner, 1858 et Réhabilitation de S. maculatus Kner, 1858



Castelnau, 1855


No. 4
Serrasalmus aureus Spix, Cuv, Val, t. XX p.22, in passing:



When the fish is fully alive to a dark brown, becoming purple on the sides and on top of the head.


Not much descriptive work available for this species. The only papers I have other than some comparison studies between related, similar species is from Eigenmann: The Serrasalminae and Mylinae, 1915. His words:


Head 3.66-3.75: depth to end of lateral line 1.55-1.6; D. 16-17; A. 33-35; serrae 34 or 35; snout 1.5 in the eye: eye 3 in the head; interorbital 2.16; margin of the second suborbital rounded, but leaving a naked area equal to one-fourth to one-third of the total width of the cheeks; space between  dorsal and caudal longer than head; head 1.3-1.4 in the length of the anal; spots sometimes arranged in transverse rows, merging into irregular cross-bands in the largest specimen.

C. H. Eigenmann, 1915

i1. Pristobrycon aureus (Agassiz). Serrasalmo aureus Agassiz, Selecta Genera et Spec. Pise., 1829, p. 72, tab. 29; Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., Vol. XXII, 1848, p. 282; CastelNau, Anim. Amer. Sud, Poiss., 1855, p. 71 (Goyaz); ?Muller & Troschel. in Schomburgk's Reisen, Vol. IIl, 1848, p. 637 (Essequibo, Rupununi); Knee. Characinen, Vol. II, 1859, p. 35 (Rio Vaupe, Matto Grosso). Serrasalmo gymnogenys GONTHER, Cat. Fishes Brit. Mus., Vol. V, 1874, p. 371.(River Capin, British Guiana); Eigenmann & Eigenmann, Proc. U. S. Nat.Mus., Vol. XIV, 1891, p. 60; Ulrey. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.. Vol. VII. 1895.p. 298 (Marajo); ?Perugia,6 Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Geneva, za, Vol. X, 1891, p. 650 (Resistencia, Chaco Centrale): Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. V, 1899, p. 157 (Apure); Eigenmann, Reports Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia, Vol. IIl, 1910, p. 442; Memoirs Carnegie Mus., Vol. V., 1912, p. 381 (Rockstone; Wismar; Tumatumari; Crab Falls below Packeoo).

6 It is very probable that Perugia had either Serrasalmo marginatus, or humerolis.

Habitat.—Guiana, Orinoco, Amazons, and PParaguay. 5770 a. C. M. 158 mm. Santarem, Dec. 15, 1909. Haseman. 58000-6. C. M. About 150 and 182 mm. Manaos. Haseman.

Head 3.66-3.75; depth to end of lateral line 1.55-1.6; D. 16-17; A. 33-35; serrae 34 or 35; snout 1.5 in the eye; eye 3 in the head; interorbital 2.16; margin of second suborbital round,ed, but leaving a naked area equal to one-fourth to one-third of the total width of the cheeks; space between dorsal and caudal longer than head; head 1.31.4 in the length of the anal; spots sometimes arranged in transverse rows, merging into irregular cross-bands in the largest specimen.

12. Pristobrycon emarginatus (Schomburgk). Salmo emarginatus Schomburgk, Fishes Brit. Guiana, Vol. I, 1841, p. 231, plate 19. (Locality?) Schomburgk's figure represents a fish shaped like P. aureus or a Metynnis. It differs from the latter in having a short adipose fin. It is quite possible that the figure is that of aureus.




Valid as Serrasalmus aureus Spix & Agassiz 1829 -- (Géry 1972:218)

Valid as Pristobrycon aureus (Spix & Agassiz 1829) -- (Jégu in Reis et al. 2003:188)





15 inches TL (?)




Lower portions of tributaries of lower Amazon River and Guyana rivers: Brazil and Guyana.








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UPDATED: 12/04/2015