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This is one example of the altars that we place at the entrance of the restaurant. For every almost every celebration or holiday there is a singular & unique motif. This particular one is the "Viernes de Dolores" altar for the the Friday before Easter Sunday when we celebrate the Virgin Mary. It is punctuated by large vases full of pink roses, which every visiting lady takes one as they leave. Also present are the colored waters in hand-blown glass bubbles called Ojos de Boticario (Pharmacist's eyes) signifying the tears of the Virgin for her son. There are stalks of wheat that represent the Bread that Jesus broke during The last supper. Some of the major holidays that are celebrated by placing an altar are: Day of the Dead (Nov 2), Christmas (Dec 25), Independence Day (Sep 16), Day of the Virgin of Refugio (Jul 4). Be sure to come back soon and check up on the next altar.

Here we see Conchita & Rosa placing the finishing touches on the altar for the "Viernes de Dolores" celebration. Conchita has been our resident expert decorating the altars for the past 40 years (as a small distraction from her administrative skills). She pretty much puts them together them single-handedly. They are the first thing our clients see as they enter the restaurant, and the last as they leave, which explains why our altars suffer from high incidences of theft! Well, what's a little keepsake for our valued customers.

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