

In 1971 I had my first baby. In 1979 he died from leukemia. I BELIEVE from the
results of agent Orange from his father fighting in the Vietnam war. This event
transformed and then catapulted me into my life's purpose. I later met my teacher
and mentor, Priscilla Kapel.

I AM a kinesiology practitioner. Intuitive. I wake each day hopeful to connect with others
on their life's journey, to help with their commitment to healing physically, emotionally,
mentally, and spiritually.

When I meet a client I ask them to share any and all issues concerning their health and
well being. I then work with them to understand their body's energy is out of balance
and then go to specific events in their life where there is trauma, pain, dis-ease.

I congratulate each person for showing up for themselves first and foremost.
1. I work with one's beliefs around their ability to heal and have a longer life.
2. Re-balance the body's energy. 3. Using the body's innate wisdom to restore health.

--Louise Sotelo, Kinesiology Practitioner

Email Louise for more information

or call for an appointment

Louise Sotelo

A description about how Kinesiology works and more information about Louise's work
Louise Sotelo's Healing Work Description

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San Diego, San Jose, California, Oregon, Paris and other locations by request.

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