R.D. BAKER is the founder, publisher, and executive editor of The Argonne Hotel Press and WordWrights! magazine. He has written six chapbooks of poetry: CRAZY SHOTGUN GUY, CONCRETE SUN, MY WAR AGAINST SLEEP, PANTHER PASSING ACROSS, MY BLUE GODDESS, and ABSENT DAYS: NEW & COLLECTED POEMS.

HUGH BIGGAR recently completed two years service with the Peace Corps in Poland. He now works at the Nature Conservancy.

JOANNA BIGGAR’s poetry and prose has appeared in five previous issues of WordWrights! Her chapbook TRAVELS & OTHER POEMS was published by The Argonne Hotel Press in 1996, and reissued in 1998.

EUGéNIE BISULCO received her degree in English and Studio Art from Wellesley College in Massachusetts.She earned a Master’s Degree in Writing from Johns Hopkins University (1998). Her poems have been published in Gargoyle and MassAve Review, and her chapbook LOOKING FOR MRS EMPTY is now available from The Argonne Hotel Press.

JAMIE BROWN’s poetry, translations, fiction, and nonfiction essays and book reviews have appeared in a number of magazines across the country, including three previous editions of WordWrights! His chapbook FREEHOLDER & OTHER POEMS was published by the Argonne Hotel Press in 1996, and reissued in 1999.

PETER BROWN is a southerner and the fath-er of three sons. He studied fiction at the University of Florida, and his stories have appeared recently in Minimus and Global City Review. He hangs out at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland and makes a living in Washington, D.C.

GRACE CAVALIERI is the author of several books of poetry and numerous plays. She received the American Association of University Women’s media award in 1997 for excellence in broadcasting “The Poet & The Poem” weekly radio program for twenty years. She is a contributing editor to WordWrights! and her poems have appeared in three previous issues. Her chapbook SIT DOWN, SAYS LOVE is now available from The Argonne Hotel Press, and a new chapbook, CUFFED FRAYS, is forthcoming, also from AHP.

BRUCE CURLEY lives in Germantown, Maryland. His poetry has appeared in numerous magazines, anthologies, journals, zines and on the Internet. E-mail:

BLAIR EWING is the Producer of Poetry Jam, a cable poetry show based in Howard County, MD., and Executive Producer of Word Up Baltimore, a poetry CD produced in 1997. He has been widely published, and has won several awards for his poetry. His chapbook CHAINSAW TEDDYBEAR is now available from The Argonne Hotel Press.

CARLA N. GIAMMICELE is a freelance writer, editor, and indexer who has lived in Washington, D.C. for 15 years. She narrowly escaped from the practice of law in 1992, and has spent the better part of the last eight years wrestling with the idea that she is a creative person. She writes poetry, fiction, and essays, and would like to get around to starting that memoir. As cliché as it sounds, she has a fondness for writing in local coffeehouses in the middle of the day. She looks forward to a long association with WordWrights!

ELIZABETH HAZEN is a contributing editor whose poems and stories have appeared in four previous editions of the magazine. Her chapbook WRAPPED IN LIGHT was published by The Argonne Hotel Press in 1995, (reissued in 1999) and her new chapbook CONVERSATIONS & AFTERMATHS is now available.

SARAH KAIN is a graduate of James Madison University and a former editor of the magazine gardy loo! Her poems have been printed in the London ’zine Rising and The Baltimore Review, Minimus and Frantic Egg.

SARA LEVY’s poems have appeared in two previous editions of WordWrights! Her chapbook STILETTO TALK was published by The Argonne Hotel Press in 1995, reissued in 1999.

DORA MALECH is a sophmore at Yale University. Her chapbook INSIDE & ELSEWHERE is available from The Argonne Hotel Press.

DENNIS MISLER has spent much of his time in recent years travelling throughout Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union on a quest for art to import to the U.S. for exhibition and sale. His work has appeared in two previous editions of WordWrights!

JIM PATTERSON toured the US for 12 years as a member of The Pheromones. He also ran for president in ’88 and ’92 as a candidate of the “All Night Party” running on the “Free Parking Ticket.” Jim is currently putting the finishing touches on his first full-length novel and a book of essays, three of which have appeared in WordWrights!

RICAHARD PEABODY edits the literary journal Gargoyle and is a contributing editor to WordWrights! magazine. He is the author of several collections of poetry, and is co-editor, with Lucinda Ebersole, of several anthologies, including Mondo Barbie, Mondo Elvis, Mondo Marilyn, and Mondo James Dean. He has a collection of short stories, OPEN JOINTS ON BRIDGE, a collection of poems, MOOD VERTIGO, and a novella, SUGAR MOUNTAIN, all now available from The Argonne Hotel Press.

MARIPOSA was born in New York and lived in Puerto Rico from the age of 14. Upon graduating from Inter-American University of Puerto Rico with a degree in English, she became a Military Intelligence officer in the US Army. After completing her military commitment, she pursued a graduate degree in counseling at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

DANNY ROSE, after studying ancient and modern poetry at Vassar College and the University of Texas, began writing poetry in a workshop taught by WordWrights! contributing editor Rose Solari. His published works include footnotes in The Norton Anthology of American Literature.

ELIZABETH ROUSE is a psychologist, poet, and former WordWrights contributor who signed on as an associate editor with the magazine in 1999.

IRENE ROUSE is a native of Northern Virginia now living on the Eastern Shore of Virginia where she sells old books on the Internet. She has had poems published in Poetry Baltimore, WordWrights #10 and #12, and Potato Eyes. Her chapbook Excisions won Honorable Mention in the 1998 Maryland Poetry Review contest. She is a graduate (MA in English Literature) from Salisbury State University in Maryland. Her chapbook PRIVATE MYTHOLOGIES is available from The Argonne Hotel Press.

ROSE SOLARI’s first collection of poetry, Difficult Weather, won the 1995 Columbia Book Award. Her play Looking for Guenevere received critical praise, and she currently is completing her first novel. She is a contributing editor to WordWrights! whose poems have been published in three issues. Her chapbook, SELECTIONS FROM MYTHS & ELEGIES, is available from The Argonne Hotel Press. She was awarded the 1998 Randall Jarrell Poetry Prize from The North Carolina Writers Network.

MARY L. WESTCOTT began writing poetry six years ago after taking a course at the Writer’s Center. Since then, she has been published in more than 30 journals. Although she received a B.A. in English too many years ago to mention, she has an advanced degree in social psychology. When not writing, she manages a jail diversion program for a Federal agency and lives in suburban Maryland. A collection of her poems, BRAIN CUSTODY, is available from The Argonne Hotel Press.

MYSTERY GUY is a beloved American poet who presently prefers to remain anonymous for purely political reasons.