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we will have exerted text from some of our greatest hits.

Our Feather Award Winning Projects:

"THE BANISHMENT, In A Red Circle" this is an excellent research publication for a Brief of Amicus Curie in regards to Native Indian Penal Practices. It contains:

A world history of banishment and exile;

A collection of recorded in writing Native Indian banishment’s;

A discussion on authorizations and authentication’s of the banishment use by Native Indian judiciary practices;

A comparison to Juvenile Offender Boot Camps;

A psychological discussion on the issues of Banishment;

(Author, R. Ward)

"THE CHILDREN OF THE CLANS, In A Red Circle" this is a unique reference for developing a child welfare program either on a reservation/reserve or in a off-reservation municipality and community. It is designed to provide information for Native Indian Nations with a clan structure to use for the welfare of our future citizens. Some of the text theme is:

The history of pre-biblical foster child care;

Christian influences in child foster care;

A brief history of the Indian Residential Schools of Canada;

A brief history of the Indian Industrial and Boarding Schools of the United States:

A discussion on the Indian Child Welfare Act;

Authorities and authentication’s of developing your own Child Care Society for Native Indian Children’s welfare:

Psychological and legal examinations and evidence concerning various forms of child abuse:

"THE OLD SETTLERS, THEY LEFT BUT ARE STILL HERE"a collection of historical biographical court and government facts showing the departure of the Chicamauga Cherokees from the east across the Mississippi River into Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. This reference publication includes:

U.S. Government facts of land treaties between Cherokees and the Spanish and Mexican Governments;

U.S. Government Continental Congress evidence of early Indian removal discussions.

Excerpts from pioneer diaries discussing Indian Wars;

Treaties between the Cherokee the Shawnee and the Continental Government;

Letters from the Library of Congress written during the depression talking about the Cherokee and Shawnee Indians;

A discussion on the Freemason’s influence in Colonial America;

Discussions on the Cherokee influence of the development of the Republic of Texas;

(Author, R.Ward)

"SPIRITUALITY THE NATURAL LAW, In A Red Circle" a historical reference of clans and scientific study supporting the matrilineal clan structure, and also;

The clan spirit in the human body;

A history of the matrilineal clan practices of the world;

A hypothesis of the spirit of the clan being passed matrilineal.

(Author: R.Ward)

"SOVEREIGNTY, In A Red Circle"is a historical study of the worlds government's ideology of sovereignty. This publication is an excellent reference for developing arguments of sovereignty for Native Indian Nations. (co-authored The Team)

"POLITICAL SCIENCE, In A Red Circle "is a review of the common issues presented in college level Pol/Sci 101. That theory has been embellished with the Native Indian history of various forms of tribal government, and the importance of blending the culture into the government.(co-authored The Team)

"THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD, In A Red Circle "This outstanding reference is a collection of historical facts showing the economic, racial, religious, and military aspects of the early pioneers into the Ohio Valley.(CO-AUTHORED The Team)

"THE MASCOT, In A Red Circle"This outstanding publication is an excellent reference for those wishing to address the racist practice of using a Native Indian caricature or icon as a school mascot. . . THIS PUBLICATION IS BEING UPDATED, THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION IS AVAILABLE;

"The Mascot Brief Of Oral Argument" was used to present evidence for an injunction against the State of Washington for using and promoting Native Indian Mascots in the Public School system. This Brief Of Oral Argument Contains:

The history and purpose of public education in the United States;

Educational and child development theories practiced in the United States;

Child psychology issues;

The theory if institutional racism;

Psychological warfare practices;

Colonialism in education;

United Nations Declarations on Human and Children’s Rights.

We also have a video available of a Tribal Court Tribunal listening to evidence from witnesses during the injunction proceeding. We have a Tribal Court opinion, and a copy of the injunction available. (by, R. Ward)

"THEY NEVER KNEW WHAT HIT THEM, In A Red Circle" this reference material is a study in psychology, sociology, and bio-science. It is designed to show that although the small pox have been buried in graves, some evidence suggest it is just laying there still as an active and deadly bacteria. This is also an excellent reference publication discussing the evidence of environmental, biological, radiation, and medical testing done on the Native People without their consent or knowledge until after the fact. These things are still going on today.(co-authored The Team)

"GREEDY, IN A RED CIRCLE"discusses the ethics, professional responsibility, and billing practices of law firms of whom contract to Native Indian Nations.(co-authored The Team)

"LEWIS AND CLARK REVISITED, IN A RED CIRCLE"a re-visit and reference of the economic, political, religious, and military purposes of this famed expedition.(co-author’s The Team)

"THE TAX INVASION, IN A RED CIRCLE"this publication is a reference material discussing the economic warfare being executed upon the Native Indian Nations. It has a history of economic warfare reference with discussions about the assaults by State Governments on Tribal Governments in the form of taxation. Author Dr. R. Ward, Prof. J.Craven, and The Team

For ordering copies of these publications, contact our Publisher Awi Publishing. You may purchase them direct from our desktop publishing, Awi Publishing.

The "Reference Publications" are produced in either Printed Spiral Booklet ,or, if the topic will be updated annually it is published in an attractive Three Ring Binder. The three ring binder publications are usually those that are used for legal and academic research.

We also can provide our publications on 3.5" floppy diskettes for your professional ease while conducting your research.

For Teaching and Instructors, we will work out a comfortable pricing plan for our publications when you decide to use them for instructional purposes. We will also include a teachers guide and lesson plans based upon your preferences. Teachers and Instructors also receive the publication on 3.5 floppy diskette, MS Word.doc. . .


Method of payment:

Money Order, gets two week delivery;

Personal check, gets three - four week delivery;

No credit card purchases, No C.O.D.;

Canada purchasers’ please email for conversion discussions;

State sales tax, and shipping and insurance is included in the price of the publication.



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