S. Niglingappa - Politician & Kingmaker
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S. Niglingappa - Politician & Kingmaker


MEETING A REMARKABLE MAN - 50 years of Indian Independence.

Now corruption has become a fashion if I may say so - its a way of life with people. ..................S. Niglingappa - Politician & Kingmaker S. Niglingappa - Politician & Kingmaker

Niglingappa said " This nation is a great nation - how true. We got freedom 50 years ago due to the efforts of great man Mahatma Gandhi. He gave us a vision, but we did not implement his vision while framing the constitution of India. Talking of constitution we did not even implement the directive principals of the state policy which were embedded in our constitution. Constitution has not failed us, we have failed the constitution. After Independence, Nehru became the prime Minister, a great man and a good friend, fully secular. He was unfit to become the prime minister of India, if Patel would have been the prime minister things would have been better. Nehru's imitation of Russia and socialism was misleading. The most important failure of the government in this last 50 years have been the basic economic attribute of this country namely Agriculture farming had not received the consideration, nor the recommendation , nor the support it needed. In some way Nehru was responsible for this. We must say so long Nehru the honest man was heading the country there was little corruption, and it was punishable. We selected to replace Nehru with Shastri. Shastriji only ruled for 18 months, but he did more for the farmers than Nehru, unfortunately we lost him. Then we made Indira Gandhi the Prime Minister. I am one of those responsible to make her the Prime Minister - she did well, but developed a wrong attitude. She was all right for some time and then she misbehaved, she was dishonest and did not act as per her words. I have great contempt for her and regret that I made her the prime Minister of India. We as representatives of Lok Sabha failed in our duty, we became the sheep and she the shepherd.

Now corruption has become a fashion if I may say so - its a way of life with people. The whole administration machine has become corrupt. During the last 50 years we have not progressed. People in the villages have gone back, they are unhappy, they do not lead a full life. Though Nehru was a Gandhi sishiya to what extend I do not know. Best suited would have been Sadar Patel, if he was the Prime Minister Indian History would have been different. I liked Gandhijis view - he knew the heart of India and was a practical man.

Today we are suffering from many ills - political, social, economic, moral ills. During the time I was involved in making of the constitution, I was thinking that my country would be a great country, and the Common Man would not have any problems.

People must be educated to feel their importance - importance to society. Uniform civil code is necessary and we felt the same while framing the constitution.

Manu created law, I think he was a Brahmin. He did the worst think for Hindusiam , creating sub casts and now today if you look instead of building houses for the people together, we have harrijans carries, harrijans street, wells for harrijans, hostels for harrijans, temples, monuments etc for harrijans. Brothers fight because one wants more than the other. Fear complex rules today and I am very unhappy about this today.

I am a unhappy man today, sometimes I do not sleep, I have lost the exuberant feeling because of existence of dirt, sin, corruption, grabbing I am broken. I feel my nation should be strong but we are poor today. Our children are half staved, when I go to hospital I feel guilty.

Interviewed by Yati Jindal



Email: kireet@bom2.vsnl.net.in