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Positive Thinking- The power of the mind
by Anna Lim

Forgiveness: To let go of pain and negative emotions in order to move in the direction of positively. Forgiveness takes place when:

a) We acknowledge our hurt/pain.
b) We do not blame ourselves.
c) Refuse to be a victim of past hurt.
d) We no longer seek revenge.
e) Pursue personal healing- raise our self-esteem.

Attitude: We must first change the inner aspects of our minds before we can change the outer aspect of our lives. To assess our attitudes- 4 questions:

a) Do we want to live to be a hundred?
b) What happened to you in the year or two before your illness?
c) What does the illness mean to you?
d) Why do you need the illness?

Positively: Opposite of negativity. 90% of daily thoughts are re-cycled- so it’s important to think positively everyday. To be positive, we can:

a) Mix with people with positive outlook- creates a healing environment.
b) Reinforce by affirmations.
c) Visualize doing positive things.
d) Participate in a creative activity- to bolster self- esteem and confidence.

Faith: We should have four faiths:

a) Faith in oneself- believes that you can participate in your recovery.
b) Faith in one’s doctor,
c) Faith in the treatment,
d ) Spiritual Faith- ability to find peace and happiness within yourself.

Hope: Has 3 elements-

a) a desire for an event to happen.
b) The possibility that event will happen.
c) The belief that if that event happens, it will be pleasant.

(There is a difference between HOPE and WISH.)
To have hope is not a case of false hope because, “Where there’s life, there’s hope.”

Charity: “ It is in giving that we receive.”

a) By helping others, makes it easier to forget our own adversity or illness.
b) Opportunity for new friendship.
c) Development of new interests in life- hence a more positive outlook in life.

Before my illness, I did not have the courage to say no. The things I wanted to do for myself, I deferred because I preferred the approval of people I considered more significant than myself. Cancer changed all that. It allowed me to say no. Cancer excused me to do things I had wanted to do for a long time i.e. Rest… read, let people come to me, put myself first and love myself more. Surviving cancer actually empowered me to believe I could do anything.

Over the last four years, I have volunteered myself as a Breast Care Foundation counselor- mainly to stay in touch with the power of what cancer taught me. Although my cancer experience seems to benefit and inspire many people, I am enriched and empowered talking with people who are just beginning cancer treatment.

My cancer turned out to be a blessing because through it, I have learned how to speak out my feeling to each other, throw away the unpleasant things, and have more contentment in my life. It helped me to appreciate friendship, to have positive attitude. I have made many lifestyle changes, but I am still working on others.

As a survivor, we must believe in remission this belief will bring us the courage to do all you can to get completely well. Hope that some of my information and inspiration collection of mine can help you to begin your own journey toward recovery and healing after cancer.

Please remember that everyone's experience is different. I know that my experience is unique. How I chose to treat this was right for me, but might be completely different for others. I suggest you pick and choose the strategies that appeal to you, as you are ready to incorporate them into your life I wish you the best for optimal health, healing, and continued hope after your cancer diagnosis.

Know your enemy. I need to read everything that was easily available about breast cancer. Sometimes I got depressed when I read too much about cancer, and my reading list is on this site.

I've listed some of the books that I found especially insightful and instrumental in guiding me during my journey:

Advanced Breast Cancer A Guide to Living With Metastatic Disease- Musa Mayer
Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book - Susan Love
Dr. Susan Love's Hormone Book - Susan Love
Antioxidant Revolution- Kenneth H. Cooper
The Cancer Prevention Diet- Michio Kushi
Estrogen The Natural Way- Nina Shandler
Living Beyond Breast Cancer- Marisa V. Weiss
Cancer Survivor's Nutrition and Health Guide- Gene Spiller
The Breast Cancer Prevention Program- Samuel S. Epstein
The Strang Cookbook for Cancer Prevention- Laura Pensiero
Breast Cancer - Steve Austin
Total Breast Health- Robin Keuneke
Women's Cancers- Kerry A. McGinn
A Cancer Battle Plan- Ann E. Frahm
What to do if you get Colon Cancer- Miskovitz
Family Doctor Guild to your Bowels- Dr Kenneth Heaton
The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- Chet Cunnungham
1 Women's Health Series- Burton Goldberg
2 Women's Health Series- Burton Goldberg
Cervical Cancer- Dr Tay Sun Kuie
Cancer- Dr Chiu-Nan Lai
The Breast Cancer Survival Manual- John Link
Lymphedema- Jeannie Burt
A Woman's Guild to Healing from Breast Cancer (TMC way)- Nan Lu
Women in Therapy- Harriet Lerner
Everyday Cancer Risks and How to Avoid Them- Mary Kerney Levenstein
You can conquer Cancer- Ian Gawler

Conversations with God- Neale Donald Walsch
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus- John Gray
Love, Medicine and Miracles - Bernie Siegel
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
Loving Yourself First- Linda Coleman-Willis
The Power Is Within You- Louise L. Hay
The Positive Mind- Jason Han
Stop Thinking and Start Living- Richard Carlson
Empowering Women- Louise L. Hay
Re-creating your Self- Christopher Stone
Why Worry? - K. Sri Dhammananda
Human and Problems- K. Sri Dhammananda
Steps towards Total Health- Dr Chiu-Nan Lai
The Chinese Art of Exercise for a Healthy Long Life- Dahong Zhuo
The Chinese System of Self-Healing- Stephen T. Chang
The Pursuit Of Life- Dr Chiu-Nan Lai (Lapis Lazuli Light)

Nutritious Breakfast- Liang Chiun-Pai
Make A Healthier Choice and Be Friends of The Earth- Dr Chiu-Nan Lai
Healthy Habits- David and Anne Frahm
Longevity-The Tao of Eating and Healing- Aileen Yeoh
The Family Herbal Cookbook- Cecilia Tan
Cooking with Chinese Herbs- Terry Tan
Secrets of Nutritional Chinese Cookery- Ng Siong Mui


Advice: Taking care of our hearts is very important for us. Our hearts never attack us we attack our hearts. Learn how to forgive, let go the past and to love ourselves. This heals the heart.