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My Personal Quotations:

Willing to Change

I must change inside-
Change my way of thinking,
Change my way of speaking,
Change my way of expressing myself.
Only then will the outer changes occur.

I am willing to change.
I am willing to release old negative beliefs.
Begin with meditation.
Look in a mirror and say I am willing to change.
I am willing to release all resistance.

I have made some of my lifestyle changes already, but I am still working on others.

I'm Finally LearningTo Just Be "ME,"
And It Feel Wonderful

Ever since I can remember,
I've been a codependent person.
I always tried my best,
to please other people.
When it came to others' feelings,
I would put them before my own
Even if it meant
Sacrificing my own needs.
I cared too much about,
what others thought of me.
I tried to be everyone's friend.
I was a 'people pleasers':
Doing, saying, and being
Whatever everyone else,
wanted me to be.
I lost out on knowing who I really was.
It reached the point where
I didn't even know what I wanted in life.
I was unable
To make even simple decisions,
Because in a way,
I had lost my true identity.

I'm still a codependent person-
But now I'm a recovering one.
I recognize my weaknesses,
And because I can now put myself first-
Before everyone else-
I can finally be "me."

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