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Their Journey's Just Begun

Don't think of them as gone away, their journey has just begun.
Life holds so many facets, this earth is only one.

Just think of them as resting from the sorrows and the tears,
in a place of warmth and comfort,where there are no days and years.

Think of how they must be wishing that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness can really pass away.

And think of them as living in the hearts of those they touched
for nothing loved is ever lost and they were loved so much.

We will forever miss these men and women whose lives on
this earth ended far too soon. They were so full of
life, laughter, and love and we miss them terribly.
So many lives have been changed. We will
always have memories of them here with us, within
our hearts, until we are all reunited in Heaven.

God knows you all had to leave us
But you did not go alone..
For part of us went with you
The day he took you home..
To some you are forgotten
To others, just part of the past.
But to us who loved and lost you
The memories will always last..
Across the distant past
Where did all the time go?
The years went by so fast...
Now all we have are precious memories...

When their beautiful Spirits left this world,
we wept.
As they entered Heaven,
trumpets sounded, the Angels sang...
and all of Heaven rejoiced !

Sally Wong left this world to suffer no more 20 Oct 2001
"The footsteps that you take today, are the ones that will lead you into tomorrow"

Ho Beng Choon 20 Oct 2002
"The footsteps that you take today, are the ones that will lead you into tomorrow"

The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and there shall no torment touch them.
In the sight of the unwise, they seemed to die;
and their departure is taken for misery,
and their going from us to be utter destruction;
but they are in peace......

~The Wisdom of Solomon~


I said, "God, I hurt."
And God said, "I know."

I said, "God, I cry a lot."
And God said, "That is why I gave you tears."

I said, "God, I am so depressed."
And God said, "That is why I gave you Sunshine."

I said, "God, life is so hard."
And God said, "That is why I gave you loved ones."

I said, "God, my loved one died."
And God said, "So did mine."

I said, "God, it is such a loss."
And God said," I saw mine nailed to a cross."

I said, "God, but your loved one lives."
And God said, "So does yours."
I said, "God, where is she now?"
And God said, "Mine is on My right and yours is in the Light."

I said, "God, it hurts."
And God said, I know............"

This candle is here
for every person
who has gone to heaven.