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15+ years industry and academic research experiences in wide range of disciplines including in vivo and in vitro pharmacology, immunohistochemistry, biochemistry, electrophysiology and behavioral testing, as well as clinical studies. Proficient in statistics, imaging, & safety pharmacology. Also trained in basic public health. I am a quick learner and conscientious research scientist, and enjoy a collaborative multi-disciplinary environment. MS in neuroscience; BS+BA in biology and chemistry.


(2005 to present) Labhead/Scientist, Oncology Pharmacology, Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research Inc, Cambridge MA

* Represent pharmacology on multi-disciplinary apoptosis-related target project teams: investigate interactions of various Bcl-2 family members in apoptosis & caspase activation in vivo; validate subcutaneous & systemic xenograft models for target dependency, design & execute in vivo efficacy, pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamic correlation and biomarker studies, participate in preclinical toxicology & safety pharmacology studies
* Represent oncology pharmacology on siRNA delivery project team: collaborate with formulation scientists in biologics department & external collaborators to facilitate design & optimization of systemic delivery of novel therapeutic siRNAs
* Represent pharmacology on early oncology targets project teams (LMW & biologics): actively participate in reviewing new oncology targets, develop collaborative networks to facilitate evaluation of new targets in vivo, coordinate characterization of primary human tumor xenograft collection, design & execute in vivo screens for identification of novel targets
* Represent oncology on IACUC committee & liaison with Lab Animal Services staff: author & facilitate compliance on animal protocols, review & advise on animal welfare issues across all disease areas in institution, maintain animal ordering for all oncology projects, coordinate with vivarium & veterinary staff on all operational & health issues related to oncology projects
* Manage research associates on executing pharmacology studies

(2002–2005) Investigator, Research Pharmacology, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge MA

* Serve as pharmacology lead on various project teams, interacting with scientists of diverse disciplines to design & execute in vivo efficacy, pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamic correlation and biomarker studies
* Oncology: Developed & validated animal models (ectopic & orthotopic xenografts, systemic leukemia & myeloproliferative diseases) with multiple readouts for efficient drug screening; Design & execute studies to validate mechanism of action; Conduct efficacy & PK/PD biomarker studies in relevant models; Bioluminescence imaging of various tumor models in mice
* Neuroscience: Successfully proposed new project of neurodegenerative disease; Developed, characterized and screened drug compounds in in vitro primary neuronal and glial models of excitotoxicity & CNS inflammation; Evaluated target mechanism of action using adenovirus infection & siRNA in various neuronal & glial cell lines; Investigated various biomarkers in in vivo rat MCAO model of stroke with biochemical and immunohistochemical assays; Advised project team on behavioral studies conducted at CRO
* Immunology: Developed & characterized host-versus-graft model in rat for screening of drug compounds for transplant indications; Developed & conducted efficacy studies in allergen-induced asthma model as well as LPS-induced inflammation model of COPD in rats

(1997–2002) Associate Research Scientist, Neuroscience Drug Discovery, Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Wallingford CT

* In vivo drug screening in animal model of Alzheimer’s Disease: performed small animal dosing and surgery, and immunoassays including Western blot and ELISA
* Characterized and maintained several lines of transgenic mice: genotyping with PCR, immunohistochemistry and biochemical assays
* Developed and ran behavioral protocols for cognition testing
* Investigated various exploratory efforts: surgical model development including i.c.v. implantation and microinjection, protein characterization of novel targets
* Collaborated with Pharmaceutics formulation and MAP in animal studies; liaison with EHS for lab safety inspections and regulations

(1995-1997) Research Support Specialist, Dept. Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse NY

* Investigated the role of protein kinase C in modulating acid secretion in rabbit parietal cells
* Experimentally induced ulcerative gastritis and enterocolitis in rats and mice and measured histologically the effects of various nutrients on disease
* Ran diagnostic RT-PCR and analyzed correlation of several clinical indices in chronic hepatitis C patients

(1990-1994) Graduate Student, PhD Program in Neuroscience, SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse NY

* Fully characterized electrophysiology and anatomy of the aging rat olfactory mucosa [Master dissertation]
* Designed behavioral testing apparatus and protocol to determine olfactory detection threshold in rats
* Teaching assistant in Medical neuroanatomy for medical students
* Classical conditioning of the cat spinal reflex: an electrophysiological study
* Visual learning and memory in monkey: a behavioral and anatomical study


Masters of Science, in Neuroscience/Physiology (December 1994) SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse NY
Bachelor of Arts, in Biology (May 1990) Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma WA
Bachelor of Science, in Chemistry (May 1990) Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma WA


[Publications & Abstracts]

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